"So I won't tell him everything at once—"


I bite my lip and stare at the desk in front of me—feeling the small ray of hope grow dim. A moment later the Professor comes into view. He takes my hand, and I don't even try to pull away. "Addison, I will do my best to restore Logan's memory, if he'll let me."

"Wouldn't I be his best chance though?" I ask quietly.

"His best chance would be to discover the past for himself. However, that doesn't mean you can't help at all."

I sit up straight and look at him. "You just said—"

"I said you couldn't tell him about his past, but there are other ways you can help him."

"Professor, the past few days have been confusing enough without you talking in circles." I mutter. "What do you mean other ways?"

"Get to know him, Addie." He suggests. "You were friends before, so befriend him again."

"And this helps . . . how?"

"Sometimes being around someone familiar can trigger lost memories. Even if Logan doesn't remember you, in time, being around you might help him remember."

My small ray of hope brightens again. "You really think so?"

The Professor smiles. "It's worth a shot."

I smile genuinely for the first time since I walked in the Professor's classroom. Maybe all is not lost after all.


I went for a run after my talk with the Professor. He was showing Logan around the school, and I needed to process everything I'd just learned. Running helps me think, so I ran into the woods—then along the fence—and now I'm just wandering among the trees. I'm not sure how much time has passed, but the sun is going down, so it's been at least a few hours.

My mind is still spinning; however, having a plan in mind has helped slow the spinning to a tolerable level. Befriending Logan shouldn't be that difficult—after all, we were friends before. So much has changed since then though . . .

"Come here often?"

I scream and spin around to find none other than Logan himself leaning against a nearby tree—watching me. The sight of him sends my heart back into overdrive. It's startling to see him standing here after so many years. He pushes off the tree and steps closer to me. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"Something tells me you did." I respond with a slight smile.

Logan grins as he stops just in front of me. "Really, what gives you that impression?"

"Just a feeling." I shrug in an attempt to remain casual—though I do have to step back under his stare. "What are you doing out here?"

It's his turn to shrug. "Needed a minute to think . . . quite a place you guys have here."

"I know, it's a lot, but it's home . . . The Professor let you come out here alone?"

The smirk returns to his face.

"Sneaking off then." I mutter. I can feel disappointment stirring inside me again, but I force it down. "You really leaving this quickly?"

He leans against the tree beside us. "Disappointed?"

"No." I say firmly. "But I think Rogue would be upset if you just left."

"Would she?"

"Yes, she would."

Secrets(Sequel to Traitor) [Book 2 in Addie's Story]Where stories live. Discover now