The Legend's Arise

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"It's already Friday morning," saying to myself, I jumped out of my bed and did some preparations in going to school. As I wait in front of our house for the school bus to arrive, I noticed my knees trembling without reason. As I saw the vehicle approaching from not afar, I automatically primed myself for the departure. But after few seconds, a strong driving wind violently lifted my skirt so I immediately held it down to avoid my undies from being seen. It took couple of seconds before it stopped and I then settled down as it did so. With confusion, the bus I'm waiting for- disappeared, resulting to an unusual uneasiness. My wrist watch then beeped as I was partly awaken in reality, thinking that all I witnessed just now is just an imagination. Thus, I decided to stroll to school.

When I had entered the school, it's almost time for my first class so I hurriedly went to our classroom. As it started, I tried to listen attentively to our professor but something unexplainable is bothering me. I tried to calm myself by looking outside through the window, like what I always do in the same situation. As usual, I can see the bonsai-like acacia tree with the smaller trees surrounding it. As I gazed longer to the great scenery, I saw a layer of trees moving in a systematic motion. This time, I felt dizziness, and my sight blacked out but I could still feel the huge hands that grabbed my back and the back part of my knees as if that person has picked me up in bridal style. After some time, I became conscious again.

"Where am I?" I said. My sight is a bit blurry and all I can see is a white room.

"Miss Kiriya, how are you?" a mild voice of a male said. As I scanned the totality of the room, a silver-haired man came into view. He's a nice-looking guy having pointed nose, calm and attractive eyes, white pale skin and well-built body. As I look into his face, he smiled at me and repeated his question.

"I-I'm fine now. Anyways, what happened? And, wh-who are you?"

"Ya-Yamato, Ren. I'm a transferee-Uhmm, haven't you noticed me a while ago?"

"Oh. So, you are the student who's supposed to sit at the vacant chair beside me then."


"So, what happened?"

"After I was being introduced by Mr. Fukasawa, I'm on the way to my seat then I saw you pale and unconscious so I brought you here."

"Oh, thank you- Uhmm, why aren't you participating in the class?"

"Our prof said they are going to have a long quiz today. He also told me that I'm exempted for now so I decided-I mean, Sir asked me to watch you out for a while."

"Oh. That's too much. Thank you very much. But you should have cooperated instead. You might get some key points for the upcoming examination next month."

"I would rather take care of you than have a sit in a boring class," he smiled. Weirdly, I can feel my blood suddenly rushed on my cheeks.

"W-Why are you doing all this this anyway? W-We d-don't even know each other y-yet." Geez! Am I uttering?!

"Just doing my job,"
he said with thin lips but within split second, his eyes widened in confusion.



"Hey Akira! Are you OK?"
bursted Haru, my best friend. I immediately jumped out of the bed as I saw her running towards me but my knees were not yet strong enough so I fell. In bewilderment, I found myself being lifted by Ren. This time, I have noticed a skipped heartbeat. I saw Haru's face with the 'rare' smile so I returned to bed as Ren assisted me. "Hey Akira, who's the hottie here?" said Haru "Is he your boyfriend?"

I said trying to hide my face from shame.

"U-huh? Really?"

"S-stop it will you?"

"Oh my! My BFF's face is turning red for the first time,"
she said with a grin.

"*Sigh* By the way, he is'Ren Yamato, my.."

"Your boyfriend? Haha! IKR! I'm Haru Chugino-Akira's BFF. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too,"
Ren said with a smirk.

"Ooh! You're getting cuter when you're smiling!"

"So are you,"
Ren said as I saw Haru's 'I'm-so-flattered' face.

"By the way, is it already recess?"
I interrupted.

"Tsk tsk. Oh dear, my sweet Akira is getting jealous,"
teased Haru.

"N-No, I'm not!"

"Hahaha. Would you look at your face Akira! You're blushing again. Hahaha!"

I saw Ren giggling a little. I glared at Haru so she stopped laughing. She smiled and said with a scornful look, "Looks like my bestie wants to be alone with her prince huh? Okay then. Have a romantic day!" and went away.

"*Sigh* Pardon me for her attitude,"
I told Ren.

"It's alright,"
he said with a smile.

It was already last period in the morning when we went back to our homeroom. Before the dismissal, I heard an explosion coming from the front gate of our school. There was an alarm activated, meaning that we should evacuate the campus as soon as possible so the students panicked and got out of the room with such rush. While I, despite of not being fully recovered, tried my best to move out. I saw Ren heading towards me and he then immediately assisted me as he has reached me.


"Hold on Akira, I'll handle this. Jump on my back. I'll get you out of here,"
said Ren calmly.

I said without further hesitation.

I did what he has instructed me as he held me tight. As fast as the wind, he dashed out of the room. I noticed someone following us from behind at the same speed so I started worrying. And with this plus curiosity as well, I was tempted to look back.

"Akira, don't look back,"
he said.

"Huh? But why?"

"Just trust me, okay? You'll be safe."

Saying his words, I felt reassured, "Okay" But..What did he mean by safe?

In reality, my mind was still confused because of the events just happened this morning. Pictures then popped out on my mind. My instincts told me that this already happened before but I cannot tell when. After a few seconds, Ren stopped from running.

I called but he did not reply. I took a peek in front of us and I saw a man in black hood.

He let go of me and said, "Akira, stay behind me"

Unknowingly, Ren glared at the man and said, "Who sent you here?"

"I have nothing to tell you,"
the man replied with a grin.

"If that's the case, get ready,"
said Ren.

Ren raised his arm and moved his lips multiple times as if he's talking to himself. Surprisingly, a golden bow appeared on his hand. He made a stunt in which he was about to shoot but I can't see a single arrow in his other hand. But after some time, astonishingly, three arrows emerged in his hand. He instantly discharged it to the man. But the man was able to dodge it. Ren did his move again but the man kept on evading Ren's shots. I noticed that while moving, little by little, the man was getting closer to Ren. As he was already near Ren, he touched Ren's forehead and said, "Good bye." A dark light showed up and clinched Ren. I can see Ren's expression suffering from too much pain. I can't do a thing but to shout his name.


I felt a strange feeling in me. I don't know why but I stood up without experiencing pain and difficulties at all. I can feel power overlapping through my entire body. I don't know what I was doing but I am well aware of the happenings.

"Get away from him!"

"So, you are the LEGEND
," the man said with a smirk. He even cackled afterwards. "And you," he said, referring to Ren, "you are the appointed one to guard this girl huh?"

"A-Akir-Akira!! Ge-Get AWAY FROM HERE!"

"SHUT UP!" the man said and the darkness eventually swallowed poor Ren.

!" I rushed to him but the man blocked my way and poked my forehead, making me bounce back. Angrily, I stood up and levitated in the air. Manipulating all the things around me, I tried to hit him several but failed. He has some kind of barrier that protects him in whatever attack I do. I was badly irritated so I placed my hand facing on his direction. In amazement, I saw him troubled and uneasy. I squished my hand and in a blink of an eye, the man was not moving anymore. I dashed towards Ren and rapidly placed my hand above him saying foreign words. My hand glowed white and Ren got up. Afterwards, I turned totally unconscious. When I woke up, I found myself lying in a king-sized soft bed.

I saw a handsome brown-haired man of about my age sitting by my side. He said with a mellow tone, "Good morning Akira. How are you? Sadly, you've been unconscious for almost a day. However, I'm now glad you're awake."

"Who are you? How did you know my name?"

"Akira? You don't remember me? Oh- by the way, I sent out Ren to guard you while I'm still busy with something important."

"Guard? Why should I be guarded?"

"Huh? Weird. Don't tell me you can't remember anything?"

Things that happened flashed out in my mind. I felt terrified and I started trembling in fear. The man hugged me and that brought me a relief. But I immediately separated from him after noticing that I was being cuddled by some stranger.

"T-thanks b-but why did you do that?"

"Akira? Seriously? Hahaha! Is that the way you interact with your fiancé?"


"Are you going to pronounce 'fiancé' by syllable? Haha!"

"How come?"

"Uh-oh. I guess the place where you've resided made you forgot your past huh? Hmmm, that hurts for someone like me," he said as he scowled.


"Huh? Akira are you okay?"

"My head aches. It's just-ugh.. I think I'm-alright,"
saying those words, pictures of the person identical to the man I'm talking with, namely 'Alex', came out of my mind.

He touched my faced and said, "Akira, remembering the past hurtsyou a lot huh? Let me help you."

He kissed my forehead and memories recalled. I saw everything; where I came from, the original me and more. After viewing the past, I embraced Alex tightly. He squeezed me back in return.

"I miss you."

"Welcome back, Akira. I miss you too."

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