Prison part 1

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Rainbow was always a bit of a troubled soul, as they called her. She was a trouble maker and even she would admit that. But she never knew that one day she would end up in prison. You heard me, prison.

It was like any other normal day, she woke up to AJ's freckled face. She ate breakfast with her. And took a shower, usual stuff a normal person would do. Then, her and Applejack took a stroll through the woods. That's when the shit hit the fan.

As they walked hand in hand, Rainbow noticed a small hand peeking out behind a tree trunk. "Stay here, babe." She walked over to the tree carefully, looking behind it. All she saw was a Caucasian fist slam against the bridge of her nose, knocking her down. "Oh it is on...." Rainbow mumbled as she tried to get up.

She looked to see it was Gilda, a old friend of her family. She grit her teeth and grabbed the slightly bigger girl by her collar, slamming her against a tree and bashing her head onto it forcefully.

The taller girl let out a painful grunt as blood fell from her mouth and onto the ground. She tried to pry the spectrum haired girls hands off of her, but it didn't work.

Applejck didn't want to call the police, since it would get Rainbow in trouble. She grabbed her phone, debating whether to call or not.

Gilda smirked, finally pushing Dash off and onto the ground, hearing the younger teen yelp in pain. She then grabbed Applejack by her shoulders. "Is this your little girlfriend, Dash?" She pushed AJ down, letting a cackle out of her mouth followed by a snicker. "Well, she's not so strong, is she!?"

AJ fell, the wind knocking out of her. She couldn't breathe for a second.

Rainbow was mad now. She got up, screaming and running at Gilda. She tackled the taller girl, falling on top of her as they both fell to the ground. She started to beat the back of her head into the rock hard ground, blood splattering in Rainbow and the ground.

Gilda now yelled for help, someone hearing. Soon, the police showed up. Seeing Rainbow on top of Gilda and punching her face repeatedly. Apejack was just now getting up, trying to move her arm that got hit in the fall.


And that was how Rainbow was were she was now, behind some bars, with her girlfriend talking to her through a hold in the wall.

'When can I leave this place....I wanna go home...'

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