Rishab stilled at the familiar voice. 'Madhu?' a thought ran through his mind and he found himself praying that when he turns around it's his Madhu. 

Madhu: I said leave the child, you kidnapper!!! 

Rishab turned around amused but that amusement soon turned to shock when he found himself facing the girl that had been haunting his dreams for the last seven years. He was thankful for his disguise. For one it covered up his shock and two that Madhu failed to recognize him.

'The nerve of this kidnapper', thought Madhu. She didn't want to harm him. As he was a very nice kidnapper. She was surprised to see that kidnappers maintained their physiques so well. Maybe it was a part of the business.

Rishab stood there watching different emotions cross her face. For a kidnapping, she was doing a really lousy job. But the way her eyebrows scrunched up was too cute. 

Madhu: Step away from him!! Don't worry Kush I am here. Hey, you!! Step away from the child. I have a weapon and I can seriously injure you!!

Kush was fed up with all this drama and decided to end it.

Kush: He's my Pooh!!!

Rishab tried hard to contain his laughter when Madhu realized her mistake. The look on her face was priceless. Her outer appearance may have changed but she was the same from the inside. And damn that tight jeans were doing no justice to him.

Madhu: Pooh? (Clears throat) I-i am s-sorry sir. I thought you were a part of the children's kidnapping gang. I apologize for my mistake. And trust me I would've never hurt you. I mean I can't!! I mean I have never hurt anyone. (Throws away the stone in her hand).

Madhu hurriedly turned around to leave and save herself from further humiliation when a voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

'You've already hurt me in the worst possible way.'

Rishab. The only thought that was running through her mind right now. He heart altogether stopped working and she felt as if she was falling deeper and deeper into a dark pit. He can't be here. She'd done everything to forget him and it was all crumbling down. So without even taking a single glance at her past, she quickly rushed inside. She knew he wouldn't follow her inside as it would cause chaos.

That even when Madhu reached home she found Khushi stuffing her face with a freshly baked cake. So she quietly sneaked around and cut a piece for herself.

Madhu: Looks like Miss Gupta is tense.

Khushi: Looks like Miss Malik is going all detective today.

They both knew that something was wrong but decided to give space to each other.

Rishab: Here's that file that you asked for.

Arnav: Thanks, man. So, how was Kush's performance? I am sorry I wasn't there.

Rishab: Oh no problem. Even I wasn't there. I just went to cheer him up. That's all. But di has made a recording of the show.

Arnav nodded and they both stood by the window gazing at the moon.

Arnav: What will you do Rishab if your past comes back and stands in front of your face? 

Rishab: I don't know exactly. (Thinking about Madhu) Maybe chase after it. So that it won't become a past again.

That night all four of them were sleep deprived. Twenty-four hours back everything was going on smoothly in their lives when suddenly it took such a sharp turn.

Next day

Khushi screamed and Madhu came running to her room with a rolling pin in her hand.

Madhu: WHAT!? WHEN!? WHERE!?


Madhu hugged her and they both squealed. A few seconds later Mr. Malik came into the room with a gun in his hands.

Mr. Malik: Step away from my daughters!!!

Madhu and Khushi rolled their eyes at his exaggerated behavior.

Khushi: It's nothing, big uncle. I just my appointment letter.

Madhu: Oh and dad? Please put down that gun. We all know it's fake and just a mere showpiece.

He left the room and Madhu turned towards Khushi.

Madhu: So what does it says?

Khush:  It says that I have been selected as the personal secretary of ASR!!

Madhu: (confused) ASR?

Khushi: (Thinking) I don't know but I will better work for this ASR than work for that tyrant Arnav Singh Raizada.

Madhu: Maybe you should think about it once.

Khushi: Oh no no!! I don't need to. I am getting late Madhu. I have to give my resignation and join this ASR. Just wait and watch mister here comes Khushi Kumari Gupta.

Madhu was in her office counting all the props and costumes from the last night's show when she realized that she was short of one costume.

"Looking for this?"

She turned around and saw Kush standing there with................................his Pooh.

A/N: Phew!!! I am so tired. By the way, it's Madhu in the pic.

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