Chapter 2

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I was hiding in my usual spot in the bleachers as I watch the team practice. Or should I say, watch Kuroko practice. His not-too-tall-not-too-short self ran back and forth on the court as he passed the ball. I admire his kind of play and how he's so dedicated to it. I've never been athletic myself, so he's an inspiration to me.

"Alright minna! That's all for today!" Aida-sempai yelled after blowing her whistle. Everyone looked relieved since she's been pushing them hard for the passed few day in order to get ready for the Winter Cups.

The players went to the bench to wipe the sweat off of them. My eyes followed Kuroko's hands as he wiped his face. His drenched hair stuck to his cheeks making him all the more captivating. I shake my head to get my heads out of the clouds.

The team head to the locker room to get changed up. I, for some reason, waited. Usually by now I would have been home. I guess I just wanted one more glance at Kuroko before heading home.

Everyone was changed and packed up in no time. I sunk deeper into my hiding place in order not to be seen.

'I can't see Kuroko. Where is he?' I look through the crowd of athletes.

"What are you doing here Suzuki-san?" I hear the voice of the one I love softly ask right beside me.

"AH!" I shriek as I jump away from Kuroko. "K-K-Kuroko d-d-don't j-jump me like that!" I exclaim/stutter as I put a hand up to my heart.

The other players turn to look at us with the sound of my voice. I blush bright red in embarrassment and look down at my hands, which are tightly clutching my skirt.

'This is extremely embarrassing.'

I glance over at Kuroko, who was staring at me. His expression was blank as usual. The deep blue orbs of his stared at me, seeming to see everything. That made it all the more embarrassing for me, because seriously my crush is staring at me so closely. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Are you okay?" Kuroko asked sweetly.

"Em, I-I'm ju-just a li-little em-embarrassed i-is all." I smile at him.

"Why?" I look at him with an embarrassed 'You've got to be kidding me right now' look.

"E-etto..." I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Having s-so m-many people staring at me is a little n-nerve wrecking I guess." I stutter, which is normal when talking to a guy. I even stutter when talking to male teachers, by the way.

"Oh," he looks over at his teammates and apparently they got the message, because they continued what they were doing beforehand.

"Better?" He asks after turning back to me.

"Hai, t-thank you," I nod. Kuroko goes and smiles at me with all the gentleness in the world. It makes me blush even more making my face a crimson red. I avert my gaze away in order to hide my face.

'Holy crap! I think I'm about to literally die from his cuteness!' I clench my clothing near my heart trying, but failing, to calm the heart inside.

"You sure you're okay Suzuki-san?" Kuroko's face was much closer than I thought, so when I turned to look at him our noses almost touched. I sat there frozen in place staring up into his blue eyes with my own brown ones. He brings his hand up to my forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever even though your face is really red Suzuki-san." He observed and I look down.

"I-It's not my fault. It's because I......" I put a hand over my mouth before I blurted out that I love him.

"Because you what?" He pressed, tilting his head to the side to look at my face.

'Oh my word! He looks so cute! Like a little puppy who wants some love!.....Wait what did I just say?'


"Ah it's nothing! I definitely wasn't thinking that you were extremely cute a moment ago or that I almost confessed that I love you or anything!" I wave my hands in front of me in denial.

Kuroko's eyes widen in response and I look at him confused. 'What did I just say?' The realization hit and I blush once again but this time it caused steam to come out of my head.

"E-etto I-"

"Is that true? That you love me?" Kuroko interrupted me. Too shocked at myself I just nod. Kuroko gives me a sweet smile. "Want to go out then?

"Eh?!" I look at him totally shocked by what he just said. "S-sure. I-I guess." I re-tuck a piece of hair behind my ear as I look down.

There were cheers all around the gym. Kuroko and I both look at the commotion and notice that everyone had observed the whole thing.

Kuroko looks back at me and smiles shyly. "Shall we?" He asks before grabbing my hand and leading me over to the players.

"Congratulations Kuroko!" Kagami states as he slaps Kuroko on the shoulder making him almost fall forward.

"It's about time Kuroko! I was wondering when you'd get the guts to go talk to her!" Koganei-sempai, at least I think that's what his name was, exclaimed.

"Eh?" I look at him confused.

"What you didn't know? Kuroko has had a crush on you since the first day you came to our practices!" Koganei-sempai yet again exclaims as he wraps his arm around the flushed Kuroko.

Kuroko stares at me shyly while Koganei-sempai still has his arm around him.

"I-Is that t-true K-Kuroko-kun?" I hesitated to ask.

Everyone stopped talking and looked back and forth between Kuroko and I as they waited for his answer.

"Hai Suzuki-san. I've liked you for a while now." He answered looking at the floor.

"O-Oh....." I follow suit and look at the floor in embarrassment. But I have to say I'm sure happy that I accidentally confessed to him, because if I hadn't I wouldn't have known any of this.

And so everyone went their separate ways leaving Kuroko, and unfortunately Kagami, to walk me home. I was really nervous yet comfortable at the same time. Maybe because Kuroko was there with me. I wonder how this dating thing will go with us?


A/N: Soo I hope you liked it!

Ja~ne minna!

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