Chapter 1

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Aya's POV

I walked into the room full of strangers. It wasn't easy transferring at the beginning of the fall semester because everyone had already created their own cliques by now.

I had met with the principal and my homeroom teacher earlier to get my books and seat assignment. So I went straight to my seat and sat down. I put my stuff into the desk and then laid my elbow on the it resting my chin on my hand. I sighed. 'Here goes nothing.'

I tried to pay close attention to the teacher as he taught us the quadratic equation and all that jazzy stuff. Not that I hate math or anything, in fact I love math. It's just that I learned most of this last year at my prep school.

And of course I didn't pay attention long. Instead I observed my fellow classmates. Sitting to the left of me was this teal-haired boy. I was kind of surprised when I finally did notice him because he seemed to have no presence at all.Then in front of him was a tall, broad shouldered, black - highlighted red head who was slouched over sleeping in his desk.

Teach noticed the dude sleeping so he came over to him and wacked his head hard and reprimanded him for sleeping in class. The class laughed at the red-head, and then the lesson continued.


It's been 3 weeks since I've started going to Seirin and so far I haven't made any friends. I can't blame anyone though, because I'm not very sociable. I won't talk to someone first, they have to come and talk to me. I've always had trouble making friends to begin with anyways so it doesn't faze me. I'm used to it.

Anyways, I do like the school though. I enjoy spending my time watching the basketball team as they practice. They're actually really good. Especially Kagami and Kuroko's team plays. But then there's also Hyuga-sempai's clutch time three pointers and Kiyoshi-sempai's amazing rebound skills. I would sometimes listen in to their conversations and hear the corniest puns from Izuki-sempai. I'd have to stop myself from laughing out loud so they wouldn't find my hiding spot.

In the two and a half weeks of watching them, I fell in love. He's the least popular one, and he's just barely ever noticed, even to his own teammates. But he makes it his 'job' I guess to wish me a 'good morning' and then a 'see you tomorrow' every single day. He would smile, a genuine smile, at me each time our gazes would lock. Of course that would make my heart go doki doki, and in the end I would avert my gaze. Most of all he was gentle, patient, and kind. He rarely ever raised his voice and if he did it was for a good reason.

His name is Kuroko Tetsuya. The infamous phantom sixth man of the Generation of Miracles and the shadow to the ace of Seirin. And now he's my first crush.


A/N: I know it's kinda rushed but I hope you liked it!

Until next time

Ja~ne minna-san!!

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