Chapter 2

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The girl had gotten away. If the police hadn't shown up, she would be gone. He had to keep her father off his back. If that meant getting his only daughter out of the picture, he was all for it.

There was no way he was going to prison. If they found out what he had been doing he would be there permanently. He had to put a stop to this. He would get the girl and leave the country. There was no way Blake would put his kid in danger, even if it meant letting him go.

He had the advantage this time. He couldn't wait to get his hands on her. Her final days would be filled with torture and pain. He would enjoy every second of her agony.

Roy walked into his captain's office. He really didn't have time for a meeting. He needed to be out there looking for the man who hurt his daughter. The longer they played around, the more time he had to hide out.

"What's going on?" Roy sat down across from him.

Frank Morgan had been Roy's boss for nearly seven years. Before that he had been a detective for nearly twenty years. He always made sure Roy played by the rules.

"You're off the case." Frank put his arms on the desk.

"What are you talking about?" Roy frowned. "Why am I off the case?"

"Because you're personally involved." He stood up.

"This guy went after my kid." Roy shook his head.

He had made it personal. Was this his way of getting rid of Roy?

"Exactly." Frank leaned against the desk. "And with your temper you can't be involved."

So this wasn't about it being personal. Not exactly. He was making sure Roy didn't fly off the handle and do something stupid. Knowing him he would do just that.

But he had a brother who wouldn't give up on finding him. Of course, Frank probably wouldn't like Roy bringing him in on this.

"Besides, Mykinze needs you and her mother right now." Frank reminded him.

"I know. He rested his elbows on his knees. "She was up most of the night having nightmares."

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't really like sitting around doing nothing." He sighed. "I know someone who can help, if he's not busy."

"Your brother?" Frank guessed. "You really think his sheriff will let him?"

"I hope so." Roy stood up.

He watched the door open. Ethan came in perching on the end of Frank's desk. Why was he here? Did he have new information?"

"Mykinze let you out of the house?" He smiled.

"She was sleeping." Roy shrugged his shoulders. "Any news?"

"No." Ethan grumbled. "Quinn's more elusive than Bigfoot."

More trouble too. Roy scratched his cheek. He would show himself when they least expected him to. Not until he was ready.

"Have you called your brother?" Ethan pushed the hair from his eyes.

His sandy blond hair needed cut. Was he trying to be a surfer or something? At least he wasn't that laid back about his work. That part of his life he took seriously. They needed his determination on this one.

"Not yet." Roy raked a hand through his hair. "I'll get in touch with him. I'm sure he can help."

"Fill him in on the details." Ethan went out the door.

"Sure thing." Roy followed him. "I better go. Keep me posted."

"Make sure you stay clear of anyone working the case." Frank sat back down. "Unless it's your brother, or Ethan. I'll call if we find anything."

Roy got into his truck. How could he not look for this guy? There was no way he could just sit around.

He had to admit it was personal. He wouldn't let Quinn anywhere near Mykinze, or the rest of his family for that matter.

He had to keep them safe. He was their protector. They depended on him. He refused to let them down.

Not like the last time. He was older now. That meant he was more capable of taking care of those he cared for.

Roy still thought about that day. He knew it had been his fault. His parents told him he wasn't to blame. They said it had been an accident. He had been the responsible one that day. Who else could be to blame?

Now wasn't the time to dwell on the past.

He needed to call his brother. He had been trying, but Tyler wasn't answering. Maybe he was busy. Still, he would want to know about Mykinze.

She was close to her uncle. She spent every other weekend at his house. Would she want to stay anywhere after this? They couldn't force her to. It was her choice. He would be fine with whatever she chose.

"Hello." Roy sighed.

"Daddy?" His daughter's voice came on the line.

"Mykinze, hi baby." He smiled. "I'm on my way home."

"Good." She paused. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." Roy flipped the radio off. "I'll be home in about fifteen minutes."

"Okay, bye daddy." She hung up.

"Bye." He put the phone in the seat.

What were they going to do about all of this? He was glad it was summer. They had to think of something before school started back.

Mykinze loved school. She would hate to miss it, no matter the reason. They couldn't just pull her out of school. She needed to go.

What had Quinn been thinking? Why make things worse for himself? Why add more charges and jail time? None of it made any sense.

Roy took a deep breath when his phone rang. Was it Mykinze again, or his captain? He wasn't sure he wanted to answer it.

"Hello." Roy said into the phone.

"Roy, did you need something?" His brother asked.

It was Tyler. Finally. His brother was difficult to reach. He had probably been feeding his horses. Roy smiled at that thought.

"Are you busy?" Roy chewed his lip.

"Not really, why?"

"How do you feel about a visit? We need to talk about something." Roy looked at the passing cars.

"Sure, I'll be there in a little while."

"Talk to you then." Roy pulled into his driveway.

Mykinze would be happy to see her uncle. Maybe he could make her feel better. He had always been able to before.

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