Keeping Mykinze Safe Chapter One

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If she looked at mug shots maybe she could identify him. They couldn't really go on "I think it's him". They needed to be sure. 

Roy hugged Mykinze tighter. She still hadn't told them what had happened. He wasn't even sure she would.

"Mykinze, what did he do to you?" Diana kissed the top of her head.

"I was in the kitchen when he broke in." Mykinze closed her eyes. "I went to see who it was. He grabbed me, but I tried to run.That made him angry."

Mykinze took a deep breath. He knew she was having a hard time telling them this.

"He grabbed my hair and threw me down." He just started hitting me." She leaned against her mother.

Mykinze looked up at her father. Was she waiting for him to tell her to continue?  Did he want her to?

"He pulled me up by my hair." She scratched her cheek. "When he hit me again I fell.He kicked me a few times too."

She was silent for a few minutes.  He hated making her do this. It was like she was reliving the whole thing. 

Roy was tempted to tell her that was enough. Couldn't the rest wait? He certainly thought so.

"He kissed me." She said suddenly. "And tore my shirt. He left when he heard the sirens."

He had tried to force himself on her? How could anyone even think of doing that to a child? If the police hadn't shown up there was no telling what he would've done.

Roy was glad they had gotten there in time. They knew who had attacked her, now they just had to find him. By now he was probably somewhere hiding out. If it was him for sure.

"Mykinze, are you sure it was him?" Roy grabbed her hand. "You're one hundred percent positive?"

"I'm pretty sure." She looked at her hands. Why? Don't you believe me?"

"Of course I do." He pushed the hair from her eyes. "You should go to the station and look at mug shots. Just to be sure."

"I don't want to." She was shaking her head. "He might be out there."

"Where?" Her mother asked.

"Outside." She hugged her mother. "What if he's waiting for me to come out?"

"With all these police officers around?" Roy smiled. "Not a chance."

"Do I have to?" She looked at him.

"How about I bring them by later?" Ethan offered. "That way you don't have to go anywhere."

She nodded.

That wasn't a bad idea. He was glad Ethan had thought of it. Mykinze wasn't budging on this. She was using that stubbornness she had inherited from him. He shook his head. She was definitely her father's daughter.

"Come on." Diana put her arm around Mykinze. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"Daddy, is it okay if I do?" Mykinze looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Of course." He kissed her forehead.

He waited for them to leave. How were they ever going to get her to stop being afraid?

"Thanks." He leaned against the wall. "She's never been afraid to go outside. Not even as a baby."

"She has a good reason." Ethan frowned. "I couldn't imagine how she feels right now."

Roy had to agree with him on that. It was hard to even think about what she had been through, He hoped she was strong enough to move on from it.

"We're canvassing the area." Ethan informed him.

"Good." He shook his head. "I hate to say this, but I hope she's wrong about who this was."

"He's a pretty nasty guy." Ethan scratched his neck. "I wouldn't want to cross his path."

"Me either." Roy admitted. "Obviously I made him mad."

"So, why hurt her?" He looked around the room. "She's a kid. Shouldn't he have hurt you?"

"He did." Roy sat at the table. "That's why he attacked her. It's his way of getting back at me."

"That's if it is him." Ethan started to leave. "I'll bring those over in a little while."

"We'll be here."

Diana looked at Mykinze. How could this have happened? She was so excited to stay home by herself. She wanted them to be able to trust her. Now she didn't want to be alone at all. She would most likely be this way for a very long time.

She watched her daughter get undressed. Diana felt the tears stinging her eyes. Mykinze had more bruises under her clothes. Her arms, legs, face, stomach, and back all had bruises. How could anyone do that to another human being?


"What?" She turned the water off. 

"Are you okay?" Mykinze got in the tub.

"Am I okay?" Diana shook her head. "I'm not the one getting cleaned up."

It was just like Mykinze to think of everyone else first. She was the one who was hurt. How could she be so unselfish when she was in so much pain?

"I'm okay." Mykinze smiled. "Just scared."

"I'll bet." Her mother handed her a washrag. 

"This is great." She sighed.

"What is?" Diana frowned.

"This." She pulled on a strand of her hair. "It's never going to come out."

"Sure it will." Diana tugged the same strand of hair. "It'll just take a few minutes."

"No." Mykinze shook her head. "It's going to take forever."

It would take a while, but they would get it brushed out. Her waist-length hair had knots all through it. Mykinze loved her long hair as much as her mother did. She refused to let anyone cut it.

"Don't worry about that." Diana kissed the top of her head. "Get cleaned up and we'll go find your dad."

"Sounds great." Mykinze grabbed the shampoo. "I'll feel better when he's holding me."

Just like she always did. She needed him to be close right now. It was the only way she would feel safe.

Roy sat down beside his daughter. She had gotten cleaned up and eaten something. Half a sandwich wasn't good enough of a meal in his opinion. 

Now she was sitting at the table looking through mug shots. She hadn't recognized anyone yet. He knew she hadn't made to Quinn's photo yet. Would she still be positive about it being him?

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