Fast passes.

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"So, I was looking at wedding dresses today with George." I say into the phone as I lay there on the couch, a leg crossed the other. George was being a sweetheart and volunteered to do the dishes. The kitchen sink was heard and sometimes was mixed in with a clatter of dishes.

"How'd he like that?" Esmé asked, chuckling.

"Oh, he loved it--"

"I'm a man, how the hell could I love it?!" Johnny called, followed by a snicker.

"Johnny, you loved it, don't lie!" I shout back to him, causing him to giggle adorably. Butterflies shook in my stomach.

"Yeah, I sure did." He sarcastically answered, and a dish clanking against the sink followed behind it.

"Sounds about right." Esmé laughed, and there was a small shuffle coming from her end of the phone.

"Hiiii guyssss." Matthews raspy voice filled the phone, and I bursted into laughter.

"Babe, I thought you were getting us a fast pass?"

There was a small silance, and Esmé couldn't help but scoff.

"You didn't get one?"

"I'll go get one." Kurlzz said quietly.

"Sometimes he acts like a kid," Esmé burst into laughter, "that just makes me love him more."

George slowly walked into the living room, eyeing me. I made eye contact with him, and he grinned. He was up to something. There was mischief in his eyes, and the grin was too real and too wide to be something else. I stared at him as Esmé talked.

Johnny took his hands and put them out in front of him, and quickly smushed them against my cheeks. They were wet and slippery from the sink water, and he rubbed them all around my face.

"You--" he started to laugh loudly. It echoed through the whole room, and he fell on top of me. I started to laugh with him, and he pecked my cheek lightly.

"--everything okay? I'll leave you two alone." I can hear the smile on Esmé's face already. I blushed.

"Okay." I slowly drug out, and we said our goodbyes before hanging up.

"God." I groaned, trying to wipe away the water that was smeared on my face.

"Me?" George said, looking down at me. He winked.

I couldn't help but giggle at his answer.

"Look at me." He demanded politely, touching my cheek with his we hand.

"You sh*thead." I say, and he laughs again.

I look up at him, and he stared down at me with a genuine smile across his face. I've never seen him so happy, so calm. He looked like a whole different man, he acted like a different person. But he was still himself someway. His blue eyes stared into mine, with hope. They sparkled with joy. Seeing him this way made me smile back at him.

"Why are you so beautiful?" He asks me solemnly.

"I-I don't know." I snort, and he caresses my cheek a little roughly, but yet at the same time it was gentle.

"You should know.." George whispered quietly, his nose slowly touching mine. A chill was sent down my back.

His lips pressed softly against mine, so sweetly and careful. It made me wrap my arms around his neck, causing him to press a little harder than before.



And in seconds, the Gay-Wad was lost once he walked off to get fast passes. It was unbelievable to even loose a curly-haired man with black hair, who had worn a Of Mice and Men tank top with skinnies and new Nike shoes. You could spot the guy in a crowd, or even a mile away. Even if his hair was pulled up into a man bun you could still realize who it was because of the way he was built.

I stood by the Tower of Terror, waiting for him to arrive. The screams from the ride were easily heard, and taking a look up at it you could see the people being dropped floor to floor. Luckily it wasn't as bad as some drop rides, but this one would throw you back and forth several times before letting you get off.

Soon enough I heard a familiar raspy voice come from behind me, and I smiled.

"You ready?"

"Oh yeah." I turn to face Da Kurlzz, who smiled sweetly back at me. "Where the hell were you?"

"Fast passes. You said you would wait here, what, did you go looking for me?"

"It took you an hour to get the fast passes! Of course I went looking for you."

"You know I would never leave you, Ezzie. I love you." He says, grasping my hand.

"And I would never leave you." I say, squeezing his hand gently as we walked up the ramp toward the tower.

We got up there pretty quick. There was a lot of waiting involved, and a bazillion lines. It was slightly confusing, since you had to wait in line for a little and then wait in another line in order to get in the elevator.

Once we got in the elevator, we took our seats, and buckled up. I never really enjoyed these rides. It would always make my stomach flip, and give me butterflies. Kids and adults packed into the ride, buckled up and waited with Da Kurlzz and I.

"You alright?" Matty stared at me, his face full of worry. I shrugged.

"I'll be alright."

There was a silence, and soon it began. It went through a really trippy room at first, which made me feel like I was high off acid or something, since everything was 3D and twisted. Soon, it got to the elevator, and went we got in I felt myself holding my breath and gripping Da Kurlzz's hand.

"You're going to be fine, baby." I heard him whisper in my ear, and within seconds we dropped.

People screamed. Da Kurlzz screamed in his raspy, manly voice. I screamed, and I swear I was the worst. My stomach flipped over a dozen times. Then it stopped. Was it over?

I felt myself clinging to Kurlzz. He held onto me, lightly chuckling.

"It's okay-- Holy mother of--!!" Matthew shouted as it dropped again, clinging to me.

After the long drop, it was over. We both clung to eachother, our hearts pounding and our lungs out of air.

"Holy sh*t." I say, shakily unbuckling.

There was no way that was scarier than It's a Small World.

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