"Love Is Dark" Vampire Knight fanfiction.

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"Love Is Dark" Zero Kiryuu, Hanabusa Aido and Takuma Ichijo fanfiction.


Name: Sakura Ryun

Age: 18

Appearance: Lilac hair, side ponytail and silver eyes

Personality: Mysterious and fun


Sunlight streamed down on

Sakura's face. Her eyes slowly opened and then she slowly lifted up from the ground. She walked to her new school, called "Cross

Academy". It was her first day there, since she just had transferred. As she was only a few steps away from walking in, she stopped. "Will I be able to fit in?" she thought to herself. After a few seconds of worrying and taking deep breaths, she finally opened the door. "It's beautiful." she said quietly. "I know, right?" Sakura quickly turned around and saw Yuuki, the chairman's daughter. "Woah, relax! What's your name?" Yuuki said. "S-S-Sakura......" Sakura said in a nervous tone. "Sakura? So your the new girl?"

Yuuki said. "Y-yes..." Sakura said, again, in a nervous tone. "Well, come on! We have to go to class! And by the way, your very pretty!" Yuuki said in a positive tone. Yuuki grabbed Sakura and dragged her to class. Yuuki opened the door to the Day Class and Yuuki closed the door behind her. Everybody stopped talking and looked at Sakura. All of the girls whispered to one another, and said "Look how pretty she is!" or "She's so beautiful!" Sakura didn't know what to do, she felt nervous. Yuuki dragged her to the desk beside Yuuki's.


After class, Yuuki told Sakura to come near the big white building near the school.


When Sakura was finally near the huge white building, she saw two huge groups of girls and Yuuki and Zero organizing the groups. Sakura had no idea what was going on. After a short period of time, the white gates that were infront of the building opened. In there was the Night Class; Rima, Shiki, Takuma, Ruka, Aido, Akatsuki, Seiren and Kaname.

All of the girls from the groups started screaming and yelling their names. And all Sakura was doing was standing infront, looking like she've been totally confused and new here. "Ah, Sakura!!!!!! There you are!!! Come here!!" Yuuki yelled. Of course, I had no idea what was going on and decided to walk up to her to catch up on everything. "Those people are The Night Class. There the people that have their class at night. So then they transfer buildings to go from their dorms to their class. The reason why everyone is yelling and everything is because all of the girls think the guys are so handsome and cool." Yuuki explained.


I looked back at the Night Class once more. I now understood what was going on expect for why they had separate classes then all of us. The Night Class's boys were pretty handsome, but they seemed different then normal people. Suprisingly, I saw two of the Night Class boys looking at me..


"Okay their names... That one is Shiki..., That one is Akatsuki...., That one is Aido....., That one is Ruka...., That one is Rima......., That one is Takuma......, That one is Seiren....., and the last one there is Kaname.." Yuuki said. "Okay, thank you." Sakura said.


After the Night Class went inside the girls left to their dorms. Then I talked to Yuuki for a little while and Yuuki introduced me to Zero. After a while, I left and said good-bye to Zero and Yuuki. When I went inside my dorm, I found a note on top of my bed. It said: "Dear Sakura, come near the outside of the school tomorrow where the Night Class is. I need to talk to you."

"Who wrote this note? I-I guess I'll just find out tomorrow....." I said nervously.


Sakura flopped down onto the bed and closed her eyes, worrying about tomorrow and wondering who wrote the note.

--------The Next Morning-----------

Sakura woke up and got dressed in her black uniform. She walked out of her dorm and walked to class. When she was finally there, she opened the door. She walked to her desk and sat down. Yuuki immediately yelled at Sakura about how Valentine's Day was today. "Wait, really? I guess that explains why I got that note..." Sakura said. "Ehh?? What note??" Yuuki said curiously. "This one.." Sakura handed the note to Yuuki and Yuuki got excited. "AWWW! Someone probably wants to talk to you about how they love you so much!!~~" Yuuki said. "W-what??" Sakura said nervously. "Hehe, nothing." Yuuki said.


After class, Sakura walked to the outside of the Night Class building. A ton of girls handed chocolates and things to the Night Class. All of the boys and girls ran to me. All of the Night Class and Zero and Yuuki looked at my way. "Please take my chocolates!" a girl said. "No, take my chocolates!" another girl said. Takuma walked up to Sakura. "Well, who can blame them, you are beautiful." Takuma said with a smile on his face.


I had butterflies in my stomach. Was he serious...?


"T-t-thank you?" Sakura said in a nervous tone. "Haha, your so cute. Here." Takuma handed Sakura a beautiful red rose. She accepted it.


Before I knew it, he hugged me. All of the Night Class was shocked. Zero quickly walked up to me and Takuma and stopped us.


"Zero, what are you...?" Sakura said. "Nothing.. It's just...." Zero said. Takuma had a sad look on his face. "Sorry, Sakura. I.... have to go." Takuma said, still, with a sad look in his eyes and then left. "Zero...Why did you...." Sakura said. "It's nothing, Sakura. The Night Class is gone. We better get to our dorms." Zero said. "Okay.." Sakura said. Sakura walked into the school and went to her dorm and closed the door. "What just happened......Oh! I almost forget! I have to meet that person in front of the Night Class building!" Sakura walked out of her dorm and went near the Night Class building. There she saw Takuma patiently waiting. "Takuma...?" she said. "Oh, Sakura! There you are!" Takuma said. "Shall we go inside the building?" He said, smiling.

"Sure.." Sakura said. He opened the door, and there was the entire Night Class, except for Kaname and Seiren. "U-u-um...." Sakura said shyly. "Haha, Sakura, you don't have to be so shy...." Aido said with a small grin on his face. "Sakura, may I talk to you in private?" Aido said. "Sure.... I'll be right back..." Sakura said. Aido walked up to the door and opened it and then he walked outside. Sakura followed behind him as she could hear everyone behind her talk about why Aido had asked her to talk to him. Sakura closed the door behind her as she felt uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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