Chapter 44: Jeremy Trains

Start from the beginning

Tereza's eyes start to glow, and I see the color. Green.

She slowly realizes what she is doing, and moves away. "I did it." She whispers. "I found an anchor like Miroslav said."

"Who is it?" Katerina asks, standing.

"You." The werewolf says, wrapping her arms around the girl.

The scene changes again and I am standing in a bedroom. "Push, Katerina! Push!" Tereza is holding the girls hand as Katerina pushes. I see the feint black veins going up the wolf's arm.

"WAAAA!!" I hear a baby cry. The two girls look at the baby. "It's a girl." The woman holding the baby says.

"Mama, let me see her. Hold her for a minute." Katerina says, holding out her arms. 'Mama' starts to give the baby to the mother.

"What are you thinking?" A man comes forward and takes the baby. He the walks out as Katerina screams.

"NO!! PAPA PLEASE!!" Tereza and Mama start to hug her.

"No, Katerina, no! It's better this way." Mama soothes the new mother.

I am then standing in a ballroom. I look over and see Tereza and Katerina speaking to a man. I see Elijah and Trevor greet the girls.

"My dears." Trevor says, as the two girls turn around.

"Hello." Katerina says in an english accent. Elijah stares in awe.

"Forgive me, you remind me of someone." Elijah says.

"Katerina, Tereza, let me introduce the Lord Elijah." Trevor says.

Elijah sticks his hand out as Katerina takes it, "Pleasure my lord." She says, curtsying. Tereza does the same. Tereza leaves Elijah and Katerina to flirt, as she sees a familiar face.

"Miroslav, this is quite the surprise." She says to her alpha.

"Well I have to keep an eye on my strangely colored friend." She rolls her eyes, "You are my Lupa, Tereza, I am not losing you." They both turn towards the stairs as Klaus descends. Tereza goes to Katerina's side as Klaus makes his way over to her.

"Katerina, Tereza, may I introduce to you, the Lord Niklaus." The girls curtsy.

He takes Katerina's hand and says, "Please, Niklaus is the name my father gave me. Call me Klaus."

The scene shifts to Katerina and Tereza running in the woods. They stop by a tree to catch their breath. "Tereza, you run to my mama and papa. Keep them safe." Katerina says, looking around.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me. I will get to you as soon as possible." She then runs away.

I stand in front of a house and watch a careful Tereza enter. I follow her into the bedroom I was in earlier, where Katerina gave birth. I see Mama and Papa.

"What are you doing here?" Papa asks.

"Katerina is in trouble." Tereza says, as Mama's eyes widen. "What?" The wolf turns around to see a bloody Klaus, sticking a sword into a boy.

"Where is the precious Katerina?" He asks. Tereza stays silent. She is in shock.

Klaus then runs and kills everyone else in the room. "WHERE IS SHE?"

"I will NEVER tell you!" The girl says. The two start to fight, and she surprisingly stays alive. It looks as though she is going to win, until I see a sword going through her torso, from behind.

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