The wedding

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It had been 6 months and Amy and Rory had decided to go abroad to the Bahamas to get married and have the honeymoon at the same time.

It was late afternoon and they were stood on the beach barefoot, Amy wearing a long beautiful flowery dress and Rory wearing a shirt and trousers.

"You look incredible Amy, very very beautiful" Rory smiled at her and carefully slid a flower into her hair, "I love you".

"I love you too" she smiled back at him.

About 20 minutes later they were married and were having a slow dance on the beach, Amy stroking Rory's hand as she held it close, her other arm around his neck, "I'm never letting you go again, no matter how hard things get".

Rory smiled against her cheek as he repositioned his arm slightly lower on his wife's back, "I could stay in this moment forever, absolutely perfect". He gently kissed her cheek and teared up, Amy feeling the tears against her face.

She looked at him, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing at all, it's just that, you're the love of my life, you are beyond perfect and I'm just so in love with you, these are tears of happiness, I couldn't be happier right now". He smiled as Amy wiped his tears away.

"Not even if we adopted again?" She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck again, holding him close and finishing the dance as Rory wrapped his arms back around her waist. "I want to adopt a baby again Rory, with you, I love you so much".

He kissed her cheek a couple of times, smiling, "I love you too, so much".

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