You saved my life

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It had been 6 months since Amy had promised Rory that one day she would marry him again and they were enjoying a nice walk together.

Rory had given Amy money to get some ice cream from across the road and she was on her way over there when Rory screamed her name from behind her. Next thing she knew he pushed her out of the way and when she turned back around he was lying in the middle of the road, unconscious, a car stopped next to him.

A few hours later Rory woke up in a hospital bed, Amy sat next to him, stroking his hand.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"A bit bruised, but I'm okay"

"You're more than just bruised Rory, your leg is broken and you fractured your hand".

"Okay, so it's going to take some time to recover then" he looked at Amy who was looking down, tears running down her cheeks, "Amy it's okay, I'm fine" he took hold of her hand with his good one and stroked it, "Amy, look at me".

She looked at him a few seconds later, "you saved my life, Rory, that car would have probably killed me".

"Yeah probably" he smiled, "I couldn't stand by and watch you get hit, I love you too much"

She nodded, "I know, and I love you too, which is why I'm ready".

"Ready for what?"

"I'm ready to marry you".

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