"I...I didn't know that you...sorry..." Liam mumbled, standing awkwardly in the doorway. I shook my head, wiping my eyes quickly.

"No. You're right, and I deserve e-everything you're s-saying to me," I stuttered, another sob building in my throat. Niall had his hand running through my hair and his arm wrapped around my shoulders, comforting me, and thank god, it was working. I hated crying in front of people, especially if those people were friends with the person who was causing the tears in the first place.

"Look...I'm sorry, you know, for yelling. But how could you hurt him like that?" Liam asked, and I looked down, trying to find the right words that wouldn't raise too many questions.

"I, uh...I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt Harry, god no, that's the last thing I wanted to do. But we...I mean I...we can't be...yeah. And I can't like, control myself when I'm around him so I...if he thinks I hate him he will stay away, then I won't be able to hurt him again." I mumbled, hoping that it would be enough. Liam's lips were drawn in a tight line, so he was obviously mad at me, but in all honesty, I didn't know what I said had affected Harry so badly. I thought I had been doing the right thing...or was I just a fucking failure at this too?

"I'm just gonna get straight to it. Harry really likes you. Like, he's head over heels in love with you, basically. And you just left him there, after kissing him. After making him feel like he meant something to you. That's all he wanted, was to be close enough to you to help you with whatever he thinks you have going on, and you abandoned him. I just don't understand. Did you not want it? Did you just want to 'play gay' or something?"

Liam was making it really hard to keep my emotions under control, but Niall was there, holding me together, at least for the time being.

"I don't want to hurt him, and if we...I mean, we just can't. We won't work...I just...I don't know, okay? I don't fucking know what I'm feeling and it's scaring the shit out of me and you aren't helping!" My voice rose with every word, and Niall shushed me, rubbing my back a little to keep me calm. Liam looked shocked at my outburst and his face started to relax a little bit.

"Just tell me one thing...did you mean what you sent to Harry?" He finally asked, and I shook my head violently. Of course I didn't mean it. How could I ever want Harry to stay away from me? If anything, I needed him. Liam sighed and sat down on my other side.

"Okay. Then I'm going to help you."


"I want Harry to be happy, and it's obvious that you make him so. So I'm going to help you through this. I did it with Harry when he was struggling with the same thing, and I can do it for you too. Ni, you up for helping me?"

"Always up for an adventure, yeah?" Niall said cheerily, ruffling my hair. I made a face and shoved his hand away.

"Alright...well, first thing is to apologize to Harry and stop being all bipolar all the time. You are either nice or you're mean,there isn't much of an in between. Decide, and then we can talk about getting Harry to trust you, yeah?" Liam offered, and I nodded,wiping my nose. He nodded, still looking angry, but he put a hesitant hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know what you've got going on in your personal life, and it's not my business. But it's going to be okay, we will make sure of it. That's what friends are for, right?"

"We...We're friends?" I asked, shocked that he even considered us as such, after all the douchy stuff I had done.

"Yeah, we are. Kind of. Like a love/hate kind of friendship. I've gotta get back to Harry, but just...you need to apologize. He just wants to help."

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