Chapter 19 - Charlie

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"That's no problem at all, I only arrived a few minutes ago. I hadn't even made it up to the house yet, I was just stretching my legs." He tilted his head, giving his neck a good stretch, then ran a hand through his short brown hair, flecked with shades of salt and pepper. He stood tall with his shoulders back, emphasizing broad shoulders and a well-toned chest, unusual for a man his age.

He must like to keep in shape, Charlie observed. "Good, I'm glad you weren't waiting long. How was your trip?"

"It was great, thanks for asking. I've always enjoyed the open road. It's a rare opportunity to escape from the chaos of life and be alone with your thoughts."

Charlie nodded in agreement. "I've always felt the same way. Do you have many bags? I can help you take them inside. I just need to run home and grab the spare key."

Jackson looked toward his car, then back at Charlie. "I traveled light. Why don't I get the bags from the trunk while you get the key?"

"Sounds good, I'll be right back." Charlie turned toward the house, his pace quick as he crossed the lawn. He didn't want to leave the renter waiting any longer than he already had. When he returned, Jackson already had the bags on the porch.

Charlie chuckled. "You did pack light." His eyes moved across the four medium-sized leather bags on the porch. "How long do you plan on staying in town?"

Jackson shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not sure. As long as it takes to get the job done. From the looks of things, it shouldn't take long." He smiled again, the creases in his face deeper than before.

Charlie nodded and swung two of the bags over his shoulder before turning the key in the door. "Talia said you're a journalist, writing an article on the Everglades?" They walked into the house and set the bags down. The way the sun filtered in through the large picture window, no one would ever guess the nightmare that had taken place there. The room was alive with bright, cheery sunlight. Charlie's eyes moved to the spot on the floor now covered with carpet. If this guy only knew what was lying underneath . . . He shook his head, pushing the dark thoughts aside.

Jackson grabbed the remaining bags and followed him inside. "Actually, I'm writing a series of articles. I'll be taking lots of pictures, too. It's always been my dream to spend time out this way. The Everglade's ecosystem fascinates me."

"It is something else. I really enjoy it here, but my wife's not too crazy about it. I mean, she thinks it's beautiful but she doesn't get too close to the water. I, on the other hand, get out there every chance I get."

"Yes, I saw you pulling up on the kayak. I'm anxious to get out there myself." He set the bags down on the floor. "So, when will I get to meet your wife?" Jackson asked, his eyes moving around the house, taking everything in. "I'm looking forward to placing a face with the name."

"As soon as she gets home from work. My mother owns a bed and breakfast in town, Talia helps her out a few days a week."

Jackson nodded his head, and crossed the room, taking a peek into the kitchen. "Well, I look forward to it. She seems like such a nice lady. Very helpful and kind every time we spoke on the phone. You know," he said, turning back toward Charlie. "It's not very often you find a house that rents out month by month."

It was Charlie's turn to nod. "I've been renting for several years now, ever since I moved back to Florida after my first wife died. In my experience, it's better to not trap the renter into a year-long contract because sometimes things come up. Life happens. I'd rather keep the terms short, in case someone needs to get out. It just works out better that way."

"That's smart. Not a lot of people think that way."

Charlie shrugged. "You learn from experience. I've always had good luck, though. Knock on wood," he said, tapping his fist to the door frame.

"I'm sorry about your first wife," Jackson said, his eyes clouding over. "You're awfully young to be a widower."

"Thank you. Emily passed away a long time ago. A car accident in Atlanta." Charlie swallowed past the lump in his throat. "We like to think she's still around, watching over us. In a weird sort of way, I think she approves of my life now. The fact that I've moved on and have a family of my own."

Jackson's eyebrows arched up in surprise. "You and Talia have children?"

Charlie nodded. "Just one, a little girl. She's nine months old." He smiled, the thought of Carter always did that to him. "Do you have children?"

Jackson shook his head. "No. No children, no wife. I never married. It just wasn't in the cards for me."

Charlie felt an awkward silence overcome them. "Well, I guess I'll get going so you can settle in. Unless there's anything else you need?" He handed Jackson the key, who slipped it into the front pocket of his khakis.

"There is something else you can do. I need to buy a few things, personal items I forgot to bring along. I'd love a quick tour through town if you have some time."

"Of course, absolutely." Charlie checked the watch on his wrist. "I can even swing you by The Ivy House to meet Talia and my mom. Cater's also there, she's our daughter. You can meet everyone at once. If that's okay," he added quickly.

A slow smile took over Jackson's face. "That sounds perfect."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Lord help us - he's arrived! Hello and thank you for reading Secrets and Lies! If you enjoyed this chapter, please hit that little star.

My dedication today goes out to Wattpadder @Mariyammashkoora! She's an avid reader and super supportive here in the Wattpad community. Stop by her page and see what she's up to!

This week, I'd like to give a shout-out to readers in Spain, Libya, Chile, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh - thank you for reading! :) 

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