Cookies and applejuice.

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Hello! So, On the 21st I got to meet these 6 masked heroes. They were some of the sweetest, kindest guys out there ever to live. I am planning on meeting them once again next tour!

Anyways, I am introducing a new character into this story. Hope you enjoy!

Oh, also.. I have a new book out! It's called TallyMarked. Go read it!

~Johnny 3 Tears~

I sat in the waiting room, scrolling through Instagram. There were many pictures that I was tagged in, and I tried my best to like them all. But there was too many. With a sigh, I clicked out of the app, and looked over at Jordon.

"How's it goin'?" I asked quietly, and watched as his eyes peeled off of the TV.

"Why are you asking me? You're the one that has splinters stuck in your leg." Charlie looked at me, "I'm good. How are you?"

I pull up my pant leg, groaning down at the wounds. A large chunk of wood had pierced my skin, including some small pieces of the dock which were taken out of my skin. It was a painful situation, and the pain from the stitches weren't even compared to pulling the wood out. Splinters covered my legs, and my pants were ripped brutally. Blood stained them, which led stares from patients that walked passed me.

"I'm fine," I shrug, pulling my pant leg down, looking up at the TV. "It's gonna suck d*ck walkin' outta here, though."

FunnyMan walked down the white hall towards us, holding an apple juice and a handful of cookies, "They have free cookies down at the cafeteria!"

My hand met my face, and I drug it down slowly before looking up at the 29 year old that stood in front of me. "You're such a fag.."

He took a bite out of a cookie before adjusting his Raiders beanie, "And you're the one who's talking?"

"Don't even start." I point a finger at him as he took a seat next to me. With a sniffle, he took a sip from his juice box. I rolled my eyes.

There were some people conversing quietly, and some laughter, but it was very light. The front desk was helping a lady with bleach blond hair, and when she turned to walk away, you could tell that drugs were involved. She pulled out a small drama play audition pamphlet, then stared at it as she walked out of the place. The woman must've failed at everything she could possibly do in order to get her roll.

A loud, slurpy noise came from beside me. Charlie leaned forward to look at where it was coming from, and he wasn't amused. With one smooth motion, I took my hand and slapped the juice box out of Dylan's hand, and it Hit the floor and tumbled. The straw fell out, and some patients in front of us peered over at me.

"What the f*ck--?"

"Shut the fuck up." I whisper, snapping my head over to face him. Without a word, he picked the juice from off the floor and threw it away. He can back to sit.

The Emergency Room door swung open, and Trista walked out limping. A doctor held it wide open for her, and she made her way over to us. Charles stood quickly, then approached her and gently wrapped an arm around her. With that, Funny and I stood. We all made our way out of the doors, luckily in one piece.

My pocket vibrated, then let out a ring. I sighed before pulling my phone out as we walked down the street toward our cars. It was Jorel.

"Yeah?" I put it up to my ear, limping next to FunnyMan.

"I got your text. Everything okay?" Jorel asked. A crash came from the background.

"What the--"

"Danny-- What the hell are you doing?" Jorel shouted, "No-- put- put it over there-- yeah, there we go.."


"We're cleaning the studio," J-Dog said, "there's shit all over the place. Papers are everywhere. Beer cans.."

"I'm sorry! Sheesh, give me a break." Danny's voice called, and Jorel groaned.

"We will be there in a bit. I don't know--"

My arm got pushed back quickly, and the impact slightly made it hurt. My phone flew out of my hand, then crashed against the sidewalk. I stood there, staring at it for a moment.

"Oh sh*t! I'm sorry.." A girl touched my arm, then went to pick up my phone. Hesitating, I went for it as well, but she beat me to it.

She stood up, looking over at me. She reached out to give the phone to me, and I studied her face. Her eyes were an icy blue, and her physiognomies were solemn. Her hair was a teal color, and it was long. I took the phone from her, and gave her a warming smile.

"Johnny, you comin' you fag?" Charles called out at me, and I sighed.

"Just one minute!" I shout back, then turn to face the girl.

"I'm sorry," she smiled slightly, "I have to get to my car before they tow it."

"Oh, well.. Jeez."

Her eyes widened, and she smacked herself in the face, "Holy sh*t.. You're Johnny 3 Tears."


"Well-- it was nice talking to you. I wish I could talk more, but I gotta go." She started to slip away, but I grasped her wrist gently.

"Just one second.." I look into her eyes, "How about I get your number. I bet we can meet up at the bar sometime. I think the others will want to go."

The girl stared at me for a second, as if she thought I didn't even mean it, "Okay, yeah.." I let her use my phone to type the number in.

"My friends will like meeting you. Besides, my sis needs more friends." I chuckle as she hands me the phone.

The girl smiled at me, and I looked down at her contact.


My wonderful new character is Three_Tears_For_You . Go follow her and read her books. She's pretty awesome.

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