Chapter 4

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(Alex's POV)

"Well, I have kind of been waiting on my boyfriend to dump me because I like you." I look down and fidgets with my bracelets

"Alex I can't believe you said that because I really like you as well" Johnnie lifts my head up and I smile.

"Do you want me to see if my mom will let me stay tonight?" He replies with a nod. I get up and walk next door and asked my mom if I could stay over at Johnnie's tonight. She said that it was fine as long as I went to bed on time since it was a school night. I went upstairs and got my Pajamas and a video camera. Once I got everything I went back downstairs and kissed my mom bye and went back over to Johnnies.

"I brought my camera if you want to make a video."

"No, let's not make a video."

"Ok, that's cool, hey wheres the bathroom?" He pointed over to the door in his room since he has a bathroom in his room. I changed into my pajamas and took my makeup off, then when back out with my hair pulled back in a messy ponytail.

(Johnnies P.O.V)

Alex came out of my bathroom with her blue hair up in a ponytail and she was in Panic at the disco pajamas and she didn't have makeup on. She looked amazing.

"Want to watch a movie?" She nods. I put on Friday the 13th, Alex Jumped and squeezed my arm a lot. She fell asleep on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake her so I sat as still as possible. She finally rolled off of me and I was able to get under the covers and I went to sleep.

"Mom, wheres dad? What, no! Where is he?" I wake up and look at

We were watching TV in my room when she was saying things about her dad. When I went to go feel her head she was really warm. She was having flashbacks. She was freaking out and kept asking "mom wheres dad?" over and over then she started saying "this can't happen!" She was freaking out after a few hours of her having flashbacks she passed out. I didn't know what to do so I just called an ambulance over to my house to come and take her to the hospital. After a few hours of waiting, I finally got to go back. Alex had woken up and was asking me what happened and why she was at the hospital. I didn't want to explain to her now so I just told her I would explain later. I have to be honest I was really scared when she was having her flashbacks.

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