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Vikks Pov:

it was four in the morning, and I was still editing yesterday's battle dome with the pack. I was exhausted. My eyes started to droop when suddenly I got a Skype call from Preston. I fell out of my chair, but not before accidentally pressing answer. "Shit." I groaned in pain as I heard Preston gasp, trying not to laugh. "God damn desk chair." I cursed as I sat up, finally wide awake from the shock. I glared at Preston, and he cracked up. I smirked and I yawned loudly. Preston  studied my face closely and gasped. "Oh my god, Vikk!! Did you stay up all night AGAIN?!?!" I sheepishly smiled while stretching. I caught Preston staring at me, and he looked away while blushing. I felt my cheeks grow hot, and I looked down at my hands, which were trembling nervously. "V-vikk, are you okay? You look sick and tired." I sighed and looked back to the screen, Preston and I sitting in silence staring at each other. Suddenly I jumped when Simon barged into my room, running around in a steve head with a pickaxe. Then he started to say something. "Hey Preston, Vikk wants to tell you that he thinks you're incredi-mpphhhh hmm leee ann hmph dulll buuudeee!" He protested, biting my hand as I covered his mouth. He stepped back and shouted " VIKK LIKES YOU BUT HE'S SCARED!" I froze in horror as I saw an angry Preston. Simon froze as he realized his mistake. "GET. OUT. NOW." I glared at him with tears in my eyes. "GET OUT" "I'm so-" "I DON'T CARE!" "But-" "OUT" We had attracted all of the Sidemen and they were peeking in, shocked at what they were hearing. I had forgot that Preston was still on Skype when the sidemen followed Simon to find out what happened. I was looking at the ground when Lachlan came in and reached out to hug me. I scooted away and whispered. "G-go a-away, L-lachly. I need t-to be al-lone." "No." was all he said as he grabbed me and pulled me into a huge embrace. Something inside of me snapped, and I started sobbing into his shoulder. We stayed there for a few minutes until Lachlan said "Vikk, Preston's still on." I froze on the spot and a whole new round of tears came.

JJ's Pov:

Preston was still on the call looking teary eyed, so I walked in and said goodbye before he could respond. I glanced at Lachlan lovingly looking at Vikk, and then I felt sad because Vikk liked Preston. I walked out of the room, a depressed look on my face as I walked down the hallway, bumping into Simon, who was sniffling. I pulled him into a gentle embrace, letting him cry on my shoulder. I usually wasn't like this. No, I was usually goofy, outgoing and crazy, but today, my other side showed. My gentle, caring side. Simon calmed down, and he said "I need to see Vikk." My eyes widened. He walked to Vikk's door, opening it a crack. I warned him before we went in, and he knew the possible outcomes. As soon as we came in, Vikk tried to disappear into Lachlan's side. Simon sat on the bed and looked at Vikk. "Please go away." Vikk whimpered. Simon refused, and Lachlan set him down next to Simon, him on the other side so he couldn't run.

Simon's Pov:

"Vikk, I'm so sorry." He tried to get as far from me as possible but I grabbed his hand. "Vikk, I need you to look at me. Please. You need to know that I'm sorry." Tears started to fall from my eyes again. Vikk slowly looked up at me, and I saw how bad he looked. Sleep deprivation wasn't helping, either. It was my fault that he was too stressed to go to sleep. I grabbed him and pulled him to my chest, hugging him tight. "I'm so sorry, Vikk, I need you to know that." Vikk suddenly hugged back tightly, and said "It's fine. I'm sorry too, Simon." We held the embrace for another minute, and I looked up to see Lachlan with a jealous look on his face with all the Sidemen in the doorway. "GROUP HUG! DON'T HOG VIKKY, SIMON! YOU ALWAYS GET VIKKY HUGS!" Ethan yelled, Ksi laughing. Everyone crowded Vikk and crushed him in a giant hug. Somehow Lachlan got outside of the hug and was pouting. Then, once everyone released Vikk, Vikk noticed and tackled him in a huge hug, both of them falling back onto the bed with Vikk halfway on Lachlan, cuddling cutely. All the Sidemen either smirked at him, or wiggled their eyebrows at him, because it was obvious that Lil' Lachy had a crush. Lachlan's face flushed a light pink as Vikk looked at him, and Vikk blushed, locking eyes with Lachlan, and he buried his face into Lachlan's chest. Everyone "Awwed" and giggled as both of the boys' faces turned red. "All right, boys, let's give Vikklan some space." as everyone left the room. Ksi screamed before leaving "DON'T FORGET TO USE PROTECTION!" As Vikk stuck his tongue out, his face cherry red.

Vikk's Pov:

After everyone left us alone, Lachlan and cuddled for a while until I got a Skype call from Preston. Great. Now have to deal with both of my crushes at once!  I thought to myself. I answered and turned on face cam. Preston stared at me for a minute before speaking carefully "Are you okay, Vikk?" "Yea, I'm fine." I said. Preston looked at me sadly. "Are you sure? Because you were crying before." "I'm fine, I promise." I answered. Then Preston said something that made me want to start crying all over again. "Why were you crying, Vikk? It had to be a really good reason for you to cry, because you never cry." I tensed and found myself holding back tears. Lachlan must have noticed, because he put an arm around me protectively. I leaned into his side. Something flashed across Preston's face, and it looked like jealousy. Did he like me too? I asked myself. Or did he like Lachlan. Or maybe both of us....?  I thought to myself, silently hoping that I was right. I loved them both. I loved Lachlan because he was a huge softie, and because his hair complimented his eyes perfectly. I loved his adorable accent and the way he pouted with his bottom lip sticking out. I love Preston because he's so outgoing and competitive. Everything about him is adorable. His chocolate brown eyes, his fluffy hair. The way he slept so peacefully, and the way he would giggle and blush whenever someone teased him about our ships. I loved them both; There was just no way I would be able to choose between them. Lachlan shook me slightly. "Vikk, are you zoning out?" I came back to reality, seeing that Preston was concerned, staring at me intently from the screen, and that Lachlan's face was inches from mine. I blushed a deep red, and Lachlan chuckled. "Umm hey guys, I gotta go..... Talk to you guys soon. And Vikk?" "Yeah?" I questioned. "You're still staring at me." I looked down, realizing that I was staring at Preston the whole time. Preston hung up, and it was just me and Lachy once again. I blushed once I realized that Lachlan still had his arm around me.

Lachlan's Pov:

After Preston hung up, I couldn't help but feel jealous of Preston. Vikk was staring at him the whole time! "Lachy?" I loved when he called me that. "Yes, Vikky?" I answered. I smiled when I saw that he had a faint blush on his face. "You're still holding me." I blushed deeply as I removed my arm from around his waist. "I need to tell you something." I stopped. I looked at Vikk seriously, motioning for him to continue. "I-I umm..... uhhhh........." He mumbled something that I thought I misheard. I thought that he said that he had a crush on me and someone else. There's no way that he likes me like that, though. "Could you repeat that? I think I misheard you." He blushed bright red as he struggled to repeat what he said. "I-I might have a crush on you and Preston, and there's no way that you guys will like me back and I understand if you want to go back to Australia now, I'm sorry." I never expected that. He started to cry silently and got up to leave when I grabbed his wrist and pulled him close to me. Then, Vikk said something that broke my heart. "Why aren't you mad? No one would love someone like me. I'm gay, clumsy, and-" I cut him off by kissing him gently. At first he was shocked, then he started to kiss back. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I slid my hand around his waist. His breath tasted like peppermint and cinnamon. We pulled away and Vikk blushed. "I love you, Vikky." "Love you too, Lil' Lachy." and that was when the flash went off. "ETHAN YOU IDIOT! I TOLD YOU TO TURN OFF YOUR FLASH!" Yelled someone, probably Simon by the sounds of it. I blushed dark red. Vikk looked furious. "YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO GET IT! DID YOU VIDEO THE WHOLE THING, JJ? ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHOS IDEA WAS THIS?!?!?!" He yelled. I got up and chased Vikk around the house as he tried to catch all the boys. Everyone but Simon, Ksi, and JJ made it to their rooms, and they got cornered in the living room. "Simon.." He warned. "Was this your idea?" "Not entirely, it was all three of us, then Ksi got everyone else. It was technically your fault, because you started to yell about how you hated yourself, then you got cut off. And it was pretty obvious that Lachlan kissed you because he's had a huge crush on you for a long time." Simon stated. I blushed and Vikk only looked annoyed. "You better not post those." "You'll have to stop me." Said JJ. Then Vikk tried to steal JJ's phone to delete the pictures, but I dragged him back. "DELETE THE PICTURES! NOW!" Vikk continued to yell until covered his mouth and whispered "I'll kiss you if you don't stop. In front Of everyone." Vikk stopped yelling and blushed as he whacked me in the shoulder. All the Sidemen came into the living room and laughed at Vikk's still red face an my devious smirk.

Vikk's Pov:

"S-shut up." I cursed myself for stuttering. Then Lachlan whispered into my ear "You wouldn't mind that, would you Vikky?" He nibbled my ear as I shivered, blushing brighter. The laughing got louder and I was breathless as Lachlan started to kiss the spot behind my ear. "You're such a tease" I said as I smashed our lips together as everyone took more pictures. This time though, I didn't care. I was just glad that Lachlan was with me.

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