The Day After

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It was 10 a.m. and it was probably the first Sunday that Brandi was up before noon. She was lying on her bed, just staring at the ceiling, her mind going through the events of the night before.

She suddenly sat up and took her diary and a pen from her nightstand. She opened it on a blank page and was about to start writing, when she realized she had no idea what she was gonna write about. She had so many things going on in her mind that she had no idea where to start. She sighed and closed the diary, placing it down on the nightstand.

She lay down again and kept on looking up at the ceiling.

"Do you know where she lives?" Seth stormed into the pool house.

"Good morning to you, too." Ryan said after abruptly jumping on the bed and realizing it was Seth disturbing his sleep.

"Do you or do you not know where she lives?" Seth asked again.

"Where who lives?" Ryan stretched and sat up.

"Who do you think? Brandi, of course."

"Why would I know where she lives?" Ryan frowned.

"Because you're best buds, that's why!" Seth exclaimed and Ryan felt a hint jealousy in his voice.

"We're not best buds, Seth. I've known her for what? 4 days? We've barely spoken."

"Come on! You've even gone to the mall together, for Christ Sake! You're like... bacon and eggs, like... cookies and milk, like... burger and fries, like..."

"Ok! Enough with the food analogies for the rest of the day." Ryan stated.

"So, where does she live?" Seth insisted on asking.

"I have no idea and I still don't get why I should know that. You're the one who should know it. You are the one with the stalker personality, not me."

"Great, that's just great." Seth threw his hands up in the air and sat down on a chair "What good are you?"

"Thanks." Ryan said sarcastically.

"Now... how am I gonna find out where she lives?" Seth thought out loud.

"Why do you wanna know where she lives, anyway?"

"Because I wanna go there to talk to her. I can't leave things like they were yesterday."

"Seth, I already told you, give the girl some time and space to think!"

"I can't! I couldn't even sleep last night!"

"I can see that. You're wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

"See? That's how freaked out I am! I gotta go find her and talk to her."

"You're not doing that. I won't let you."

"Oh, now you won't let me? Is that it?" Seth asked, pretending to be afraid.

"Yes, that's it. I won't let you do any more stupid things to ruin your relationship with this girl. You're gonna stay in today and we can think of something for you to say to her tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah? And who says I'm gonna need your help on that?" Seth asked and Ryan didn't even answer, he just shot Seth a look "Ok. I'm totally gonna need your help on that."

"Ok. Can we just eat first?" Ryan trailed to the kitchen with Seth glued to him.

"What do you say we go over that while we eat? Huh?"

Brandi sat on the kitchen counter and played with her eggs. She was not hungry. Why she had decided to make breakfast was beyond her comprehension. Maybe she just needed something to get her mind off of things, but it didn't work.

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