Chapter 6

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X smiled when he saw Sonic. "How'd it go?" He asked Sonic,who smiled. "I won those claws are really good." Sonic said,he gave X a hug. X smiled,he returned the hug. Sonic smiled as he hugged X. X purred as he hugged Sonic. After a bit,Sonic let go of X. "I need to go kill something for me and my brother's to eat I'll see you later." Sonic said,X nodded before Sonic dashed off.
Sonic walked through the front door. "Where have you been?" Dark asked,the black hedgehog was sipping some blood. "Does it matter?" Sonic snapped,he picked up a knife,carrots,some wire and an old backpack. He then dashed back outside.
Sonic placed the carrots near a tree,he made a loop in the wire. He climbed up the tree,Sonic then hung the wire over a tree branch above the rabbit bait. After a bit of waiting,a sandy brown rabbit came it started to nibble on the carrots. He lowers the wire,till the loop was loosely around the rabbit's neck. He pulled on the wire,hanging the rabbit and killing it at the same time. Sonic smirked,he loosened the wire and the dead rabbit's body now lay at the foot of the tree. Sonic jumped out of the tree,he stuffed the rabbit into the backpack then he dashed home.
"Fresh meat and blood." He said,once he walked through the front door. Dark took the backpack from Sonic,he unzipped it then pulled out the dead rabbit. Dark placed it in a bowl,he stabbed it with a knife making it bleed. Dark threw the rabbit somewhere,once the bowl had been filled with fresh blood. Sonic poured himself a glass of the fresh blood,he took a few sips before drinking the rest in his glass.
X was sitting at the place he met Sonic,he looked down at the river below. "I'm bored,I'm going to go check on Sonic." He muttered to himself. He stood up,he then teleported he now stood not far away from Sonic's house. Once again,the lights were out but he could see the 3 siblings inside the house. X watched them from a window,where they wouldn't see him. "DARK!!!" Sonic screeched,while glaring at the oldest sibling. "What?" He asked and backed away from Sonic a bit. "Sonic are you looking for this?" Mephiles asked,he was holding the rabbit Sonic killed not long ago. Growling,Sonic snatched the rabbit from Mephiles' hand. "For that you can cook your own f***ing food this is all MINE!" Sonic hissed,he threw the rabbit into the oven without putting it on an oven tray.
-time skip-
Once he was finished cooking the rabbit,Sonic sat on the couch. He ate all the meat,leaving a heap of fur and a small pile of bones on the plate.
Sonic sat in his room,he held a knife in his right hand. He hissed in pain,he had stabbed the knife into his left arm. After making the stab mark deeper,he bandaged up his arm. Sonic sighed he leaned against the window,the full moon made his fur shine in the dark(just like the pic). There was a tapping sound on the window,Sonic turned around. Floating outside the window was X. Sonic smiled,he opened the window and X floated inside. X smiled as he stood next to Sonic. "What are you doing here?" Sonic whispered,so he wouldn't catch the attention of his older brother's. "Just visiting you." X whispered back,while smiling. X then walked over to the window "lets go." He whispered,while looking at Sonic. Sonic nodded,he walked over to X. He picked up Sonic bridal style and floated outside. Once X's shoes were on the ground,he gently placed Sonic down. "Race ya!" X said,then he dashed off leaving a dark blue streak. "No fair!" Sonic whined,he dashed off after X leaving a light blue streak behind.

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