Chapter 9

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His ears perked up,when he heard tapping on the window Sonic smiled. He turned around,floating outside the window was non other than X. Sonic got out of bed,he opened the window for his psychopathic friend. X floated inside,he smiled as he stood next to Sonic. "Ready?" X asked him,Sonic nodded and X picked him up bridal style. X jumped out of the window,he landed on the grass below and he placed Sonic down. "Race ya!" Sonic said then dashed off,X dashed off he ran beside Sonic. They skidded to a halt,when they reached their favorite place to hang out. Sonic sat next to X 'if only I could tell him that I loved him' Sonic thought,while looking at X from the corner of his eye. X saw Sonic looking at him,he then looked at Sonic. "Something wrong?" X asked him. Sonic blushed a bit "just thinking." He replied to his psychopathic friend. "Mind sharing?" He asked Sonic. Sonic sighed "I'm not sure how to say this but...I...I....l-" he was then cut off,X was kissing him on the lips. Sonic blushed,he then kissed back. "I love you too." X said then smiled,after he broke the kiss. Sonic's eyes widened "b-but how'd you know?"
Sonic asked,sounding surprised. "It's not hard to tell,since you keep hugging me when I come visit you." X explained,Sonic smiled and hugged him. X purred,he then pulled Sonic into another kiss. They tongue kissed,battling for dominance. X won,he slipped his tongue into Sonic's mouth. Sonic moaned,as X's tongue explored his mouth. After a few minutes,Sonic broke away for air. A string of saliva still connected the two lovers.  Sonic purred,when X hugged him. The two sat together,watching the sun rise. X was then tackled to the ground,by a pink blur. It was Amy.(I wanted to make sure that she dies as quick as possible *laughs like a maniac* *stops laughing after 5 minutes* *sighs contently* anyway back to the story). "OH SONIKUU I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!~" Amy squealed happily,while nuzzling X. Growling,X shoved her off him. Amy's eyes widened,when she saw that it wasn't Sonic. She then turned to Sonic,her eyes lit up. "Sonikuu!!" She squealed and pounced at him. She was stopped,when a hand grabbed her by the throat. "He's mine so back off bitch!" X growled,he tightened his grip. Amy gasped for air,Sonic smirked at the sight. "Sonikuu do something!" She screeched,Sonic shook his head. "Nah I'd rather you be dead." Sonic growled menacingly,Amy's jade eyes widened from what he'd said. Sonic's nail sharpened into claws,he looked at Amy and smirked insanely. X held Amy,allowing his mate to kill her. "I've waited a long time for this." Sonic spoke darkly,his claws slit open Amy's throat. X's hand clamped over Amy's mouth,so she couldn't scream for help. "I shall rule Mobius with X,but first you  and Shadow must die!" Sonic cackled,he ended Amy's life by tearing her stomach open. Crimson blood leaked out of Amy's wounds. Sonic grabbed her limp body,he threw her over the cliff and into the river. The river turned a bright red,as Amy's bleeding body floated on the surface. "One down one to go." Sonic spoke darkly,before smirking insanely with X.

SonEXE-Psychopathy and InSaNiTyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz