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Leo's POV

I was walking to cabin 3 to talk to Percy about making a new line of weapons when i heard very,Very techno beats "Dun dun dun daaahh, bum bum bah bum bum bum" the beat was like something you would dance the to." Percy! what is this awesome music?" " This is dubstep, Bro!" "Dubstep?" "You have NEVER heard of DUBSTEP!?!?!?!?!" When Percy heard me say "No...", he immediatly forced me t   o listen to dubstep and watch some guy dance like a robot or something.....and it was awesome!!!!!!!!! "WHAT? how did he do that???? it's not even physically possible! what?? th-" Bro, shut up and watch it. If you're gonna talk the whole time, go to your cabin and watch it." I left his cabin and ran up to Jason."Jasonjasonjasonjasonjason" WHAT?"Come watch this video!"fine..."

And that is the newest drabble! remember not to die and keep bombs to yourselves.... BYE!! All characters are Rick's.

Percy Jackson and The Heroes of Olympus DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora