kpopKunPiMOok BhuWakuL

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One day Smol Bean found a funny name on the internet which was 'kunpimook Bhuwakul' her friend Regal Fish Bar said he lived in Korea and was from Thailand. Smol Bean and Regal Fish Bar decided to fly over to Korea to find this Kunpimook Bhuwakul. When they got there they found out that he was in a k-pop group called got7 so they went to their dorms to found Kunpimook Bhuwakul and his friends. They knocked on the dorm and Smol Bean said "Hi it's Chloe Bindall! (Smol beans real name)." Jaebum was the one to open the door and he replied with "Who on earth is Chloe Bindall!! 😳"

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