Dan's mother wouldn't approve? Nope, already told Phil accidentally about her depression.

Dan sighs in frustration. Five minutes until the end of school. Looks like Phil Lester is going to be coming home with him after all. Maybe if they just get the stupid project done, Phil can leave quickly - before his mother gets back.

Ten minutes later, Dan is regretting Phil coming home with him. Phil is spending the whole time singing songs softly, skipping and stopping every two meters to admire a piece of nature, and Dan is getting sick of it.

"Hurry the fuck up! This is worse than walking a dog. What are you going to do next? Pee on a bush?" Dan snaps angrily, grabbing Phil's arm and tugging him away from the strangled, yellow flowers growing in a crack in the path.

"Hey, that was a pretty flower," Phil says, pouting, "besides, you should appreciate nature more, it's beautiful Dan, you should stop and appreciate it more often."

"I'd rather not," Dan snaps, rolling his eyes and walking on, "if you don't hurry up I'll just leave you behind."

"Sorry Dan!" Phil says, breaking into a jog in order to catch up with Dan, "but seriously, look at that flower!"

Phil pauses, bending down to 'admire' the most ugly weed Dan has seen in his entire life. It is an ugly vomit yellow-green colour with spiky leaves and an odd shape. Dan walks back to where Phil is and stamps on the flower.

"What flower?" He asks Phil, who pouts and stands back up, "all I saw was a freaking ugly weed."

"That's not nice Dan," Phil says bluntly.

"Yeah, well not everything is," Dan replies before turning and stalking off down the road.

He's had enough of Phil already. He can see what Phil is trying to do - show him the apparent beauty in the world. Yeah right, Dan knows what this world is really like, and that's all he sees in it.

When they finally reach Dan's house, Phil follows him up the driveway. Dan opens the door, tempted to shut it I'm Phil's face - he doesn't. Phil walks in behind him, shutting the door after he walks in.

"Shawn we're home," Dan calls, walking further in and dumping his backpack on the dining table, Phil following suit.

"Hey Dan," Shawn says, appearing once he closes the cupboard door, a bag of chips in his hands, "who's this?"

"Phil, we're doing our assignment," Dan says, "Phil, Shawn, Shawn, Phil. If you need us we'll either be in my room, here or out the back."

"Okay, see you later," Shawn says, "bye Phil."

And with that, he turns and walks out. Dan hears his footsteps on the stairs, and knows he's probably gone to watch movies on the family computer while he knows no one else will be using it. Even though Dan's family was shitty and broken - they were quite well off, much to Dan's relief.

"So, where do you want to start?" Phil asks, sitting opposite Dan at the dining table.

"I don't care, let's just get this over with," Dan scoffs, pulling out a notebook and pen, "now, I have an idea, you come up with one and we'll trade."

"Okay, just give me a sec," Phil says, his face twisting and screwing up in thought as he tries to think of an idea, "right, got one."

"What's yours?"

"Well, I was thinking like just a comedic skit thing, like get a random topic and then improvise," Phil suggests.

"Not bad, I was thinking we could play video games, but like, include banter and twist them, like multiplayer with one blindfolded or horror games in the dark and then we could edit all the funny bits together," Dan suggests.

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