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As Kiriko climbed in the car she looked over at her brother. He had pulled out his laptop and was typing away. Probably trying to get his company ahead of hers again. She smirked to herself. 

Kyoya heard and looked over at her with a questioning look on his face.

"I'm sorry if I kept you from doing work last night." she apologized. "I was just so tired when I got home and I wanted to surprise you but instead I fell asleep."

"It's fine. You needed the sleep." 

She sighed as she sat back into the seat of the limo and looked outside the window, wondering what would happen. This is the first time she'd been to a real school in years. Pulling out her laptop she decided that she could not allow her brother to get ahead of her again and worked on building a new marketing strategy for her company. 

A couple of minutes passed and the car came to a halt next to a humongous pink building.

"Is this our school?" she asked. "I don't remember it being so pink."

He looked up and confirmed her suspicions closing his laptop and putting it in his bag. She followed his example grabbing her bad and following him out of the car.

As they walked up to the front doors she noticed everyone was staring at them. It would have come to them as a surprise that the Ootori's youngest child is back. There's no way her twin would get his much attention on a daily basis. He would be too likely to poke someone's eye out. 

"Mommy!" she heard someone shout in the distance. "Daughter is saying dirty words again."

Looking at her brother with a confused glint in her eyes she saw him being tackled into a hug by some strange blonde kid. 

The blonde guy looks at Kyoya then to Kiriko, going to and from them a couple of times.

"Hello my princess." the blonde guy says to Kiriko. "I am Tamaki Souh. Who might you be?"

Kyoya then says, "Tamaki, this is my twin sister Kiriko Ootori. I don't believe you have met. She just arrived back from her four year trip around the world. Kiriko, this is-"

"Souh Tamaki. Son of the headmaster here at Ouran." she said in Japanese before switching to French to say, "Pleasure to meet you. I have heard so much about you from my brother. You're from France, correct?"

"Yes, my princess. The pleasure is all mine to be able to meet such a lady as you." he replied in French before turning to Kyoya and saying in Japanese, "Why didn't you tell me you had a sister Mommy! We could have planned a huge surprise party and, and," he stopped himself and turned to face Kiriko again, "How about I introduce you to the rest of the Host Club."

"That sounds wonderful but I have to go to the office to get my schedule before class. I don't want to be late on my first day. Perhaps after class?" she said trying to be polite to her brother's over-eccentric friend.

"Yes, that would be perfect. Then you could come to the Host Club and meet everyone. I have to introduce you to my lovely daughter. But you should stay away from those shady, no good, twins." Tamaki ranted on and on about the Host Club as she walked away waving goodbye to him and went with her brother to the school office to go get her class schedule.

They arrived at the office and the lady there informed Kiriko that she needed to go to the Superintendent's office as she wasn't wearing the proper uniform. Trying to refrain from rolling her eyes, she turned to her twin and told him that she would meet him at their class. 

Walking to the Superintendent's office only a few doors down she sighed. It was always a tiring experience dealing with anyone from the Souh family. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door.

"Come in!" said the Superintendent. 

She opened the door and stepped inside. 

Smiling he motioned for her to come forward. 

"Take a seat Kiriko-chan. It's been a while, hasn't it," he said with a smile. 

She nodded, "Indeed it has Superintendent."

"Kirko-chan! What have I said about calling me, Superintendent. It's Uncle! Call me Uncle."

"Of course, Uncle."

He smiled, "So what is it I can help you with today Kiriko-chan?"

"Well, Uncle. I wasn't too pleased that the high school girls uniform was a puffy yellow monstrosity, so I decided to take a few creative liberties and not wear the outfit. However, the office was not as impressed with my take on the uniform and informed me that I had to come and see you."

Laughing he said, "Well, as much as I would love for all the uniforms to look as chic as yours, I believe I would receive quite a few complaints if you were to show up to classes in your modified uniform. Perhaps if you leave it with me I can update our summer uniforms to something more elegant rather than 'puffy.'"

Kiriko smiled and nodded accepting her fate that she would have to wear the ridiculous uniform for at least another month.

"Now I have an extra uniform that will fit you so why don't you take this, get changed, and then quickly head for your class before you are late."

She nodded and thanked her Uncle before running to go change into the 'appropriate' uniform so she wouldn't be told off again. Having gotten used to having little freedoms like being able to wear what she wanted, as long as it was somewhat appropriate for the occasion, while she was away, this seemed like a nightmare. However, she sucked it up knowing that if it ever got back to her father that she so obviously went against the rules, she would be in trouble. 

When she got to the classroom she waited for the teacher outside the door. As the teacher approached the door to go into class she greeted her and told her to wait outside for the class to begin and then she would introduce her. Standing outside the door she wondered to herself why her brother joined a host club. Surely their father wouldn't have approved of him being apart of such a frivolous club. He had never been one to disappoint their father either. Otherwise, he would have fought harder for her to stay. Maybe it began as a bargaining chip? Then again, it could have been one of her father's elaborate plan to get closer to the Souh matriarch. 

She was pulled out of her thoughts as the teacher slid the door open telling her to come inside the classroom and introduce herself.  

The teacher walks up to the front of the classroom announcing to the class, "Everybody, please welcome our new student to this class who has just returned from traveling the world for the past four years."

"Hello," Kiriko said as she bowed. "My name is Kiriko Ootori, I am Kyoya Ootori's twin sister, please take care of me."

The teacher then says, "If you have any questions for Ms. Ootori, please find her outside of class. Ootori-san, you can sit between your brother and Tamaki Souh."

Looking over she saw Tamaki waving. Rolling her eyes she sighed as she thought, this is going to be a long day. 


AN: Sorry it's short, and that I haven't been posting, and for making you guys wait so long. I just have way too much going on in my life right now. I hope you can forgive me! Also, please tell me if I made any mistakes or if you have any ideas or anything really. I like talking to people! :)

Update: 2019/04/05

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