Chapter 1

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I opened the door to his room to an awful and heart-breaking sight. My boyfriend for about a year and a half, was sitting on the bed making out with another girl. Tears welled up in my eyes and my knees felt weak.

"J-jack! How could you? You are such a-"

"Cheater? Liar? Yeah, that's me. This is life, Crystal. Accept the fact you will never get something good in your life. You are such a boring girl to be with. In fact, you are a worthless and stupid girl." Jack spat in my face. Each word stabbed me painfully.

"This is my house so I want you to pack your things and get out! We are over!" he added a final blow to my heart.

Without another word, I grabbed my bags and stuffed it with my clothes. Just before I left, I entered the room again. Thankfully, they were still clothed. I swung my leg back.

"This is for everything you have done to me ," I said before kicking him in his private area at full force. I stormed out the house as groans of pain echoed the house.

1 year later~

I jumped onto bed once I was done unpacking my things. My phone vibrated and my mother's face showed up on it. I slide my finger across my phone screen. I placed my black iPhone against my right ear.

"Oh hey mom. Yeah, It's nice to be in South Korea again. The last time I was here was when I was.. 12 years old?"

"Yep. Once you've settled in or you need help moving in, call me. It's just a 15 minute ride,"my mother's voice flowed through the line.

We chatted for a few more minutes before we exchanged our farewells. I tapped the red end call button. Just a year ago I was in America. Now, I am back in my home country, South Korea. It felt nice to be home again. My mother was Korean while my father was American, making me half Korean, half American. However, I had to move with my father to America when my parents got divorced.

My eyes started to flutter several times before shutting, plunging me into a dreamless void.

A few days later~

I rubbed my hands together then dusted it off on my pants. I took my time to admire my final masterpiece. From the cold marble flooring to the pure white ceiling fan. I glanced at the silver circular clock. 1.30pm. I should reward myself. I took a relaxing shower. I picked out a light blue sweater, a pair of denim pants and black high-cut shoes. I grabbed my wallet and keys from the kitchen counter and went out the house. I decided to explore the neighbourhood.

I wandered the streets and admired the beautiful scenery. There were nice people who smiled at me- both old and young. I walked past a building, "Pledis Entertainment", when i saw a group of boys walking out. I walked quickly away in another direction, not wanting to be near so many boys. I turned behind to see them walking away from me. I heaved a sigh of relief as i turned back and slowed down my walking pace only to have my head collide with a pole. It gave off a quiet metal sound. Rubbing my forehead, I heard laughter behind me but I just ignored them. I took some turns and ended up in a quiet eerie area.

Every path and alley looked the same. I tried to go back the way I had gone. Thankfully, I saw the Pledis Ent. Company building again. Or was it? Unfortunately, it was just a building that looked similar. My forehead was wet with sweat and my palms were sweaty as well. I wandered around for a few more minutes.

"Why am I so silly, I can just call my mo- shit! I forgot my phone!" I cried out.

Just then, a low rumbling sound came from within me. Not now. I cursed under my breath as I walked, kicking a bottle by the pavement. I stared down, pondering over my misery. Without warning my head hit something hit something yet again except it was softer. I jumped up and apologised several times. My eyes met with a blonde boy in jeans and a yellow sweater.

"Ah! Don't be sorry. It's ok. Are you new here? Are you lost?" the boy asked me.

My head hung low as I nodded. He softly giggled. I felt my cheeks become hotter. Again, my stomach gave the third warning that i needed to eat. A.S.A.P.

"Haha, you're hungry too. How about I bring you to a cafe nearby. Their cakes are really delicious!"he offered.

"O-ok," I stuttered.

"Oh I forgot, my name's Kwon Soonyoung but you can call me Hoshi," he introduced himself. He gave off a warm vibe. He extended his right hand out to me.

"Park Crystal, but you can call me Crystal," I smiled, shaking his hand.

We started to walk.

"You're the girl who walked into a pole just now, right?" he joked.

I faced him and frowned as he laughed. Upon reaching the cafe, we took our seats. Once we had our orders taken, we decided to exchange numbers incase I got lost in the future. I did not have friends here in South Korea who could help me out so why not make friends in this given opportunity? He offered to pay for my food since I was new.

Hoshi then told me about him being in a group named "SEVENTEEN" that was set to debut in 2015. I told him that I just moved here from America because I wanted to start a new life. However, I did not tell him about Jack. We spent the time talking about random things and joking around. I found out he could speak Japanese fluently. I only knew basic Japanese. Hoshi seemed like a sweet boy. Well Jack was sweet in the start too but he ended up being really cruel.

Soon, it was time for us to go back. He offered to send me home, knowing I would get lost again. I gave him my address and we got there in about 5 minutes. I thanked him once I was home safely.

"You're welcome. Call me when you want a tour of the neighbourhood or you just want to see me," he winked as he waved goodbye and jogged off.

I waved back at him and watched him jog away. I turned around and unlocked the door of my house. I took my phone and dialled a number. My call went through to voicemail.

"Hey mom, yeah I'm done moving in. You can visit me soon. Call me back when you can,".

I dropped lazily onto the sofa and switched on the television. My phone buzzed, signalling I had received a message.

-Hey, Crystal, Hoshi here. You free on Thursday? I can give you a proper tour :)


-Ok, pick you up at noon :D

I unconsciously smiled down at my phone. I caught myself smiling and frowned immediately. I am not going to fall in love again. Not after what Jack did to me. I don't trust boys. I don't believe in true love. I don't want to be called worthless and stupid.


A/N: How was the first chapter? Next chapter coming up soon. :) 

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