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We opened the lid and saw...
Two twins who looked about 2 months. Zoey looked at me and I looked at her. There was a boy and a girl and a note. The note read:

"Whoever found my babies  I want to thank you in advance. I am currently 15 and  I had these children when I was 14. They are 2 months old. The left one is a boy and his name is Tyler. The right one is a girl and her name is Skylar. You can change the names if you would like but I thought those names fitted them. They are so cute! I wish I could meet the people who found them. Anyway Thanks again!  Oh and sorry about the trash can."
Thanks, Sarah!🙂

We took the basket that they were in, into the house. We brought them in the house. Zoey stayed with the kids while I ran up to Walmart. I got some really cute onesies. I also got them cribs and diapers. I didn't know what sizes so I got them a variety of sizes.
After that I went home.

How I ended up with kids that aren't mineWhere stories live. Discover now