Joes Hotel

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After Joe got off the plane he sprinted to a taxi and left me in the airport, I saw a little girl on her bike and took it off her and gave her a napkin to nibble on she said thank you and I biked off. I look for Joe, I find him stuck in the traffic and knock on his taxi window.

----------------Caitlins wonderland----------------

Joe smiles he's so happy to see me and my beautiful face, he opens the door and jumps into my arms, and we do a little owl dance around the fire even though it's sunny we don't mind. We live happily ever after with 20 babies called Tim.


Joe screams and the taxi drives off. I pedal really hard taking breaks to nibble some napkins and smell joes hair that I cut off awhile ago. I catch up and hide in a bush near the hotel. I find a little leaf and eat it. Eventually I see Joe walk out of the hotel I follow him sneakily. He goes into a restaurant so I follow him into it.

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