"I love you" He says, grabbing his helmet. He kisses me slowly, as if he savoring the moment before pulling away and running to his car.

"Come on, let's go watch" Zach says, linking his arm through mine and walking with me to the stands. We get a seat high up, giving us a view of the whole track, it isn't much, simply a straight two-lane track that runs about a half a mile.

"Alright, now racing are lines 3 and 4" The same voice says, and a cloud of smoke is seen as the two cars do a burnout.

"Hey guys" Rob and Alex come back "He's going to be third, which thankfully means we don't have to stay that long"

"Cool" Zach nods.

"Zach, is he going to be okay?" I ask in a whisper, and he nods.

"He'll be fine"

"I heard you two talking" I admit "Why is he worried? Zach please tell me nothing is going to go wrong?"

"He always worries" He shrugs, but I can tell he's lying. He doesn't tell me that nothing will go wrong and my palms begin to sweat. The first two cars go, lane 1 winning, the next two pulling up, doing the same procedure, lane 1 winning again.

"Now pulling up is a black 69 camaro, very beautiful car. The driver is racing against a green 69 camaro. It's a battle of who takes better care"

"Here he is" Zach says, everything seems to suddenly turn slow motion, all sounds are drowned out except for the thumping of my heart. Everything seems like a blur as the green light glows both cars taking off, the front of Carter's car raises high into the air "Fuck" I hear Zach curse, my hand squeezes his and I try to scream but nothing comes out. Carter's car flips over everyone gasping as it rolls along the track.

"We gotta get him out" I faintly hear people scream, workers of the track open his doors, smoke falling out as they drag his away from the car.

"He's okay. He's fine" Zach whispers, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his chest.

"Zach" I cry, and he rubs my back.

"Come on" He says, pulling me away from everyone else and running over to where Carter is. By now I'm crying uncontrollably, Zach talking to the paramedics. They have Carter laid out on a gurney, his helmet off "He'll be alright. He's Austin, he'll make it" Zach continues to whisper.

"You can meet us at the hospital" The paramedic smiles warmly, getting into the back as they drive off.

"Let's go" Zach says, we all follow him to Carter's truck getting inside and speeding to the hospital. By the time we get there Carter already has his own room. We ask the lady where he is and she gives us directions all of us speed walking to his room, just as the Doctor was walking out.

"Friends I'm guessing" The Doctor chuckles "I'm Dr. Reed, you're friend is quite alright, just bruised slightly, if it wasn't for his helmet and padding, he wouldn't be here. He's quite lucky for his safety precautions" He nods, walking away from us.

"He knew it would happen" AC says, all of us turning to look at him.

"I talked to him when he was walking up, he said he knew something would go wrong so he prepared" AC explains.

"Thank god for that" Rob says.

"Brogan, you go in" Zach says "You mean more to him than we do, so you go" He says, the guys nodding in agreement. I nod slightly, walking through the door. Carter's eyes flick over to me, and he smiles, opening his arms. I run into them, a groan leaving his mouth.

"I'm sorry" I squeak, going to pull away but he pulls me into his lap instead.

"It's okay" He shakes his head "I don't like when you cry" He whispers, rubbing his thumb under my puffy eyes.

"How could I not?" I ask "And to make it worse, you knew something would go wrong" I scoff.

"Baby, please don't be angry. I'm okay, I'm still here and I'm not leaving you, I promise" He laces his fingers through mine, putting his other hand on the back of my neck and pulling me down for a kiss "Now will you help me out so I can leave?" He whispers, and I nod climbing off his lap. I help him out of bed, pulling the hospital gown off of him. My eyes scan over his back, not seeing any injuries. I turn him around, his chest covered in bruises. I squeeze my eyes tightly, hoping that maybe it's all a dream, but when my eyes reopen, I realize it's not.

"It looks worse than it feels" He shrugs, catching my stares at his black and blue chest "I think it makes me look bad ass" He chuckles, pulling his pants on. He sighs when I don't smile or laugh at his joke and he walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm okay. I don't know how many times I have to tell you before you believe me. I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere okay?" He whispers.

"I can't lose you Carter" I cry into his chest.

"You won't" He kisses my forehead "I'm yours forever" He whispers, and we just stood there, holding each other in the middle of his hospital room, confessing our love for each other for what felt like an eternity, though I didn't mine one bit.



Oh my gosh!

I literally think this is the best chapter I've ever written!


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