And the Wish Must be Paid for

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"Look," Rose says.

"I...I can't, Rose...."

I feel her hug me. "I'm sorry Little Sparrow. I didn't mean to-"

"It's a mistake," I assure her, giving her a quick hug back. "But can you tell me?"

"There's an old drunk on the streets, arguing with a lady."

A drunk? And a lady?

I find Rose's sleeve and tug on it. "Rose, we should go check on her, we don't know if that guy will try to hurt her."

Rose sighs. "Just like you, Little Sparrow. But someone may buy the box before us, then what?"

I become silent as she takes my hand and starts leading me up the stairs. "Look, when we get all the gold we need, then we'll check on her, okay?"

I smile as I hug my sister for the one-hundredth time today. It's a way to locate her, so we do a lot on a daily basis. "Thank you, big sis. You're so nice and good."

I feel her rub my hair. "I get it from you, silly." She stops and puts a hand in front of me. Where are we? We're not that high, and I can hear snoring and

" you aren't afraid of beetles, are you?" a man's voice says in front of us.

Rose squeezes my hand, holding back laughter. "No, only babies are."

"Y-yeah," the man agrees and I cover my giggle with a cough. "So you two can go and get them all out right? I'll pay you a gold piece."

I pause, turning my head to where Rose seems to be. My sister doesn't know how to shoot a gun, she wouldn't be able to do it.

"Rose, I've been practicing. Beetles make noises too, I'll be in and out in no time."

I hear a sigh and Rose hugs me. "You have got to be the best sister ever, Little Sparrow." She goes silent for a small bit. "I don't deserve you."

"No, Rose, you deserve much better. You deserve your wish, and I will see that you get it."

I will do anything for Rose.


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