Chapter 11: Just Give Me a Reason

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I looked over, seeing the piano off to the side. “How about I play something on there?” I asked, nodding at the piano.

“What song?” Zayn asked, yawning.

“Oh! I got it!” Dakota said, holding up a finger as she goes through her phone. She ran over to me, holding a hand to my ear as she whispered a suggestion.

I knew the song, thankfully. “Okay.” I said, looking at her, “But I’ll only play if you sing with me.”

She made a face. “I suck at singing though.”

“Just do it!” Niall said, “I wanna hear!”

“Seriously!” Kariann agreed.

“Fine!” Dakota sighed and grabbed my arm to urge me out of the stool I was sitting on. I took a seat on the piano seat and made room for Dakota. I began the song.

Right from the start you were a thief. You stole my heart and I… your willing victim…” Dakota started, hitting right on the money.

I thought her singing was fine and she smiled as she sung. “Just give me a reason, just a little bits enough…

I’m sorry I don’t understand where all of this is coming from… I thought we were fine…” I sung.

Whenever the chorus came, we sung together. To be honest, I thought the two of us sounded good together. The song was fun to play and once we were done, we received a standing ovation from our friends. To exaggerate on our talent, the two of us stood, bowing. We looked at each other, smiling. Dakota broke our eye contact as she looked at Kariann, running toward her and tackling her onto one of the loungers.

I felt an arm go over my shoulder. It was Louis. “I can tell from the look on your face just how much you like her. You should seriously just come clean with her soon.” He whispered to my ear, offering me a bottled water.

I took it. “Thanks.” I stared at the back of her head. Wouldn’t it be too soon? “Maybe I will.” I added, giving my friend a smile.

He gave my shoulder a tight squeeze before doing a random scream and being quick to join the girls by tackling on top of them. “Ow! Louis!” Dakota yelled as Kariann laughed.

Niall was quick to join after that. I wasn’t sure what it was, but whatever they were doing was contagious. Zayn climbs to sit on top of Louis and even though Harry and I were last, we both jumped on top of the huge pile of people. It got so bad that we actually flipped the couch over and spread us out on the floor. Zayn was on halfway on top of me. Niall was on top of Kariann, the two of them laughing loudly. Harry was off to the side, grinning like an idiot, chuckles apparent. Louis had his arms and legs wrapped around Dakota, making sure she was pinned. All of our laughter were apparent in each individual.

We laughed until we were red in the face and couldn’t breathe anymore.

*Louis’s POV*

The recording went well actually. Apparently management wanted us to try out a demo of a new song that was written for us. We were chillaxing now, sitting around in a lounge in the building, waiting for our ride back to the tour bus. We were munching on some fruit. I was craving for a water so I decided to leave them and get myself one.

Only did I take note of two familiar voices around a small corner. My ears perked. The only people missing from our little group was Liam and Dakota… did that mean…?

I had to hear for myself. I was helping to support Liam in trying to win the girl over for the past week. It was me mostly that encouraged him into doing stuff for her. Even the flowers I had to force him to buy. I stayed behind one of those tall tree plans, making myself less obvious to the duo. The thoughts of the water bottle was gone as I listened intently.

Time of Our LivesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon