Bonus Chapter: Welcome To Hollywood

Start from the beginning

I stepped away from both of them and they started to wave as I slowly walked. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes as I stood in line, watching them exit the building through the glass door.

Well then, goodbye England, I just hope Hollywood welcomes me with a warm embrace.

The flight wasn't too bad, except for the mild turbulence, I mostly slept through it. Taylor was kind enough to book me with a business class, as opposed to the economy flight – it gave a bit more space to breathe, and the person sat next to me was a kind woman who tried to comfort me when she saw how nervous I was.

"America is a great country," she reassured as she kept her eyes trained to the newspaper she was reading, "There's no need to be frightened."

She learned that was I coming to Hollywood because of the possibility that I might enter the entertainment career, and with a sincere wish of good luck as we landed, I felt my spirits being lifted up.

I had no doubt about this country, my mother had grown up here and even went to live here after my parents got divorced. She told me that she rented this decent apartment for the two of us to live in while I'm in my stay here.

After I got my luggage back, I stepped into the crowded waiting area where I saw my mother waving her hands to me, trying to get my attention.

She usually came for visits, and I was quite grateful, but it was never enough. Now, to think that we will be living again under the same roof, it was one of the few things that were preventing me to have an incredibly damper mood about this ordeal.

"Mum," I cried, running up to her, practically shoving away the people blocking my way, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," she laughed, hugging me. One thing I've noticed, there had been a lot of hugs lately, "So how was your flight?"

She took my suitcase from my hand and when we stepped outside, there was a car Taylor had sent to pick me up. When I said earlier that I hoped America will welcome me with a warm embrace, I got more than I was bargaining for. It was melting hot in here, to think that I have to endure this heat for a long time.

My mother told him the address to our new place and he drove there while he pointed out the gift basket my soon-to-be manager has prepared for me.

"Looks like you're going to be heavily pampered," my mother smiled as she eyed the present that was sent to me.

Instead of replying, I nodded to her statement as I tried to conjure up possibilities this might lead to. Tomorrow, I'll finally meet up with Taylor to discuss a demo track and a few minor acting roles that I might audition for.

We stopped in front of an apartment building – it wasn't too fancy, but not ratty. It fits perfectly with the average looking neighbourhood.

"I've got most of the furniture settled in," mum informed me, helping the driver unload my belongings.

We're not a particularly rich family, we were middle-class. My dad had a stable job, and so did my mum, but from what I heard, mum quit her job so she could be here with me. It made a pang of guilt arise into my chest, thinking of how much money she had to pull out just to afford this place, and to make it worse, I know she's already counting her savings.

"Here we are," mum announced, opening the door as the driver pulled in my stuff into the small apartment.

When I say small, I really meant small. Everything was squeezed into one small room, there was a kitchen on one side that doubles as the dining room and the living room is on the other. There were two doors side by side, one leading up to the bathroom and the other one into the bedroom, which was just as tiny. It was only big enough to accommodate one queen sized bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe.

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