[ 22 ]

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I broke free from my restraints, as did Seth. I knew what we had to do, but I still didn't know how we were suppose to do this.

Focus on what you want to happen.

I think to myself, confused. How will that help? If I think about killing him, would that even work? It can't be that easy, can it? No.. It can't. Nothing is ever that easy.

"You're alive. I thought I killed you. Your pulse, it stopped."

"Well I'm clearly here, and I'm going to kill you. You've caused enough pain to my family, and it ends now."

"Like you can-" I felt like I was in the movie Star Wars. I held up my hand and thought about suffocating him, which worked. I saw little light bolts flashing between my hand. This is awesome. Seth watched, as did everyone else, in amazement. "I see you know." He choked out. "But you won't be able to."

"Now, how do you kill a demon? A demon as powerful as you?"

"You don't know, do you?"

I felt my wolf take over me, I had no control over her. What are you doing?

I'm helping you, that's what.

She had taken over me, in my human body. I cannot explain what happened next, but all of a sudden the demon was lying on the floor with blood surrounding him. I knew he wasn't dead though, for he was still moving.

I could see that Seth's wolf took control too.

Our wolves started chanting some weird words, which I didn't understand. The light bolts were surrounding Seth and I. We were being lifted into the air, which freaked me out..

What the hell is happening?! I ask my wolf, but she doesn't reply.

We could see something floating out of the demon's body, like a spirit of some sort. With more chanting of words, the spirit vanished into thin air. The only thing left was the body, the body of the demon. I stood over it, once I had floated back down onto the ground obviously.

"Woah. Is he...is he dead?" Caleb asks. I shrug my shoulders and stare down at the body.

His eyes open and he gasps when seeing me. "Chloe, Seth." He smiled. What? He turned his head and looked to dad. "Elliot." I could see tears brimming in his eyes. "Son." He breathed out. "It's so good to be back." He muttered, before trying to get up. I wouldn't let him though. I pressed my foot to his chest, preventing him from standing.

"Dad?" My dad called out. "Is that really you?"

"Don't trust him! He's probably the demon still and trying to trick you!" Seth exclaims.

"I'm not, I swear."

You saved him, even though there wasn't much chance. Well done.

Who is that voice?! It's not my wolf.. I take my foot off him, and help him up. Dad walked up to him, and through him into a hug. "Kids, meet your grandad." Dad says, after pulling back.

I glared at the guy, I still didn't trust him. I didn't trust that we had got rid of the demon side in him. I didn't trust that this was really over.

It seemed too easy. Way too easy.

Caleb came up to me and hugged the life out of me. "I love you, Chloe. So damn much." He buried his face into my hair and hugged me tightly. I smiled, and brought my arms around him.

"I love you too." I mumble.

He pulls back. "I've never been so scared in my life. I thought I was going to lose you. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

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