Chapter 8: A Boy's Ego

Start from the beginning

“Oh, my God.” I stared in shock. Seriously, two weeks of obvious ignoring and he just now takes note of it. I shoved my phone in my pocket, beginning to nibble on my thumb nail out of frustration.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, voice actually quite concerned.

I looked up at him. His green eyes actually looked genuine and worried for me. I also saw that spark of anger, like he was ready to face whatever was bothering me and punch it in the face. Actually, I would kind of like that right now. “It took him two fucking weeks to realize I was ignoring him.”

He was slightly confused by the ‘him’ part, but he quickly caught on. “Wow.” Was all he could muster, rubbing his chin in disbelief.

“I’m so over it!” I screamed in frustration, throwing my hands up in surrender. “He does nothing but piss me off and all he cares about is just wanting to hang out when I told him time and time again that I was busy.” I could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes, “God… he just… drives me insane…”

I felt a wet tear stream on my cheek and Harry reacted by pulling me into a hug. From there, I just silently cried into his shoulder.

*Liam’s POV*

Harry really was right about what he said not ten minutes ago. We may never get used to the fans. Louis was acting like an idiot in front of the window, causing a lot of people to laugh and girls to scream. There were multiple signs being held high, most saying how much they loved 1D or whatever individual. Either way, I couldn’t seem to focus.

“I seriously can’t believe I did that.” I said, faking a small smile to the fans. Only causing more of an uproar.

Louis stopped dancing around, only to put an arm over my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, mate. I doubt she’ll think of you any different.”

“That totally just helped my case, lad.” I replied, putting my arm around his shoulder also to look outside.

“Well, since you practically just admitted your crush to millions of people, why not make the most of it? Make her acknowledge it. Make her want you back.”

“Louis, I swear, you never fail to amaze me.” I said, looking at my friend.

He gave me one of his biggest, cheesiest grins. “Isn’t that why I’m here?”

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to face the crowd and he kissed my cheek, running off back to the studio. I gave a crowd one of my dumbest looks before running after him.

*Niall’s POV*

I finally managed to find some food that a nice lady offered me. It was just an orange, but I didn’t care. I was popping some of the citrus fruit into my mouth as I rounded a corner, but stopped short when I saw Kariann and Harry hugging in front of the door to the studio. I backed up, not wanting to interrupt. I slowly chewed as I heard the silent sobs of Kariann’s crying.

It kind of made me feel bad. I wanted to go out and hug her too and cheer her up, but it felt slightly wrong. I peeked around the corner, seeing Harry rest his cheek on the top of her head and gently rubbed her back with one hand. He looked… pissed. Yeah, that was definitely it. So pissed that he wanted to punch something.

I pulled back, feeling my appetite dying as I finished the last slice of orange. I leaned back against the wall, rubbing my hands on my pants. I’d have no choice but to wait for the others. I noticed Dakota and Zayn making their way back, quietly talking. Zayn seemed to be smiling at Dakota as she was describing something to him.

She stopped talking whenever she took note of me. “Niall? What’s up?”

I signaled with my head about the corner. She stood beside me, peeking. Zayn was right behind her, doing the same. They pulled back, both shocked by the scene. “Why…?” Dakota questioned.

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