Act 1

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Yoochun's POV

I just finished my shower and I was drying my hair when I opened the television.

"Earlier this year, North Korea has declared state of war with South Korea." the anchor announced on TV as previous footages of North Korean leader were flashing.

I sat on our sofa as Harang, my malamute, approached me. He is so cute smiling at me. He always takes my stress away, adding Norae,poodle, and Namu, golden retriever, in the team as well. As much as I want to play with them more, I cannot due to my allergy.

"The missile failed again eh?" Yoohwan sat beside me focused with the news

"Ung..they have rusty mechanisms." I answered him since North Korea has said it many times, no actions has been done, and I do not want that to happen. I do not want imagining such things.

A mobile rang and I recognized that it was mine, playing JYJ's Mission. I elbowed Yoohwan to grab it for me as he stood up. Being a hyung is a great advantage keke. He returned and handed me my mobile.

"JAEJOONG" appeared on my mobile screen. What could he be up too? Oh maybe he is calling for a drinking session with Seunghyun (T.O.P) and Hyunjung.

I answered his phone call.

"Chunnie!" he sang worriedly

"Oh what's wrong?" I got curious

"Come here, this is urgent." he told me

"Where are you now?" I asked him

Yoohwan's POV

Hyung stood up and went to his room as Harang and Namu followed him while Norae sat on the sofa with me. The news was getting boring so I grabbed the remote control to switch channels but it was showing the same clips and informations.

"I will be leaving Hwanee." Hyung put his shoes on

"Take care hyung!" I told him without taking my eyes off from TV

"Feed Harang, Namu and Norae ok." he said as he shut the door

I stopped switching channels as I have seen SM Entertainment's president on TV being interviewed.

"Is it true that you are going to send all you male artists, finished or not finished with the military service, to the battlefield?" the anchor boldly asked as I was shocked to hear the question.

"Yes. We already know that South Korea has declined help from other nations for the war to be fair, and with this decision, the military base is lacking men. SM as the biggest company in Korea will be participating to show that we do not only have talents but enough strength to be in the battle."

SM's president is really something. But I thought South Korea's military base is just calling all the men who has finished their military service..why is he sending even the ones that are not yet trained? What strength is he talking about? Could it be that Jaejoonghyung phoned Yoochunhyung regarding this matter?

Heechul's POV

"I will go and check the food." Jaejoong told as he stood up from the sofa

"Ung." I nodded to him as I was left. I laid down watching Junsu, Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) and Sungmin played pingpong. I wondered when these three will get tired?

"Join us!" Hyukjae invited me as he keep on bouncing

'Yes, it is fun..." Sungmin and Junsu teased me

"Nah it is not my thing..." I declined them and felt something on my feet as I glanced at it

"Yaong~!" I approached and pet Tigger, the american shorthair cat that belongs to Junsu. He has five cats here plus a samoyed. He is such a fur lover.

"I'm here~!" Yoochun announced as he changed from his shoes to slippers. Junsu welcomed him and left Hyukjae and Sungmin behind the pingpong table. "Join us!" Junsu invited him

"Yes, 2 on 2!" Hyukjae added as he was playing the ball up and down with his hand

"Chunnie~!" Jaejoong showed up with apron and cooking gloves

"Is dinner ready now?" I asked to cut out their child-like brotherly love

"Ung..yes hyung~!" Jaejoong answered me "Let's eat kids." he teased Junsu and Hyukjae

Yoochun's POV

Heechul entered the kitchen to check the food as Eunhyuk and Junsu followed them.

"Heechul will tell something.." Jaejoong whispered to me

"Is it from Yunho?" I was nervous.

"It could be. Heechul won't be requesting your presence if it doesn't concern the 5 of us." he answered as he prepare the food with others.

This meetup was something since they would meetup on their own without me. Hyukjae is Junsu's bestfriend since elementary and was supposed to debut with Sungmin as a trio. While Heechul was supposed to debut with Jaejoong, Yunho and Kangin as Four Seasons. I am the only one who didn't not have a plan-to-debut group. I was thinking that this was an awkward moment.

Dinner was finished and they were all laughing at each other's stories.

"Ya! Ya! Since we are now in good mood, let me tell you what the SM president has planned.." Heechul got serious this time, he is really moody. Before he was smiling and then now he looks like a leader of a gang.

Heechul's POV

"He is sending all the male SM artists into the battlefield of North and South Korea." I continued. They were silent for like five minutes. I was looking on their faces but they were all in deep thoughts. I do not want them hearing the news from just someone in this industry. I felt that I am obliged to let them know. Jaejoong has been trying to contact Yunho and Changmin but both parties were just so hurt about the past. SM could be hindering us to keep in touch with them, but the hell I care. Jaejoong and Yunho has been my friends since our trainee days.

"But don't worry Junsu! See I am strong!" Hyukjae showed his muscled arm to break the silence

"Are you crazy? THAT is BATTLEFIELD." Junsu got seriously mad as he slapped the table "What do you know Hyukjae? That is not a dance battle Hyukjae. That is not an aegyo battle Sungmin! What is that SM president going on in his mind?" he was so worried for Hyukjae and Sungmin

"He has signed with South Korean military base. That is our new contract. What do you think will happen if all untrained for military service will do the same as you did? It will just be the same, death Junsu. DEATH." Sungmin answered him as a man

"What about Yunho? Also Changmin.. Like Hyukjae and Sungmin, it will be harder for them without a training."Jaejoong finally got back to his senses but he was shaking with nervousness.

"Exactly Jaejoong, half of Super Junior isnt trained yet and there is our hoobaes Shinee and EXO. They are too young get involved with this." I tried calming him down

"What about the military base? They will be giving trainings at least right?" Yoochun uttered as tears were about to drop.

I shook my head for the answer. The room was filled of emotions. Everyone was silent.


I hope you have enjoyed the first act of Mission Getaway. I am always dreaming of having another movie like Emergency Act 19 in 2002 produced by DSP. It a full KPOP blockbuster movie. That has been my big inspiration with this FanFiction.

When you have watched JYJ's COME ON OVER, Junsu is really into pingpong lately.

I have also read that Heechul has so much free spirit and has a total mood swing.

Jaejoong really likes cooking and share the same feline interest with Junsu and Heechul.

I am really sorry talking bad about SM. I need a pull for the characters to be emotional. I have the next act already in mind but I need to gather more informations and my senses. Keke.

Please support, vote, fan, comment and suggest for the next episodes to come. ^_^

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