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Luke walked down the hall the next day, a little more confidence in his step. And his mind was racing, of one thing and one thing only.


Luke hated himself for thinking about him so much. Luke wasn't stupid. He wasn't going to fall for some fuckboy who can't tie his own shoelaces. He wasn't going to get influenced by Ashton and skip class or get lower than an A.

He walked to lunch and took his usual seat, suprised that nor Michael or Calum were already there. Luke saw a note laying on the table and frowned. He hated these notes, all the time. He didn't like the words they called him or the things they said.

Fortunately, it wasn't one of those notes.

Hi Luke!

Me and Calum are gone to get some props for prom that we need to transport to the storage cupboard. We'll be here soon!

BYE LUKEYY xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

^ that was Calum.

- From, Mikey and the other guy.


^ that was also Calum.

Luke giggled, re reading the note and putting it in his bag to keep. He looked around awkwardly at first, he was alone and looked a bit lame. He started eating by himself, looking up at the clock every once and a while, hoping break would be over soon.

It wasn't long before he heard a thump at the other side of the table and looked up to see Ashton smiling at him.

Wait, Ashton?

"Ashton?" Luke asked, putting down his sandwich. Ashton nodded, with some sort of cheeky grin on his face, causing Luke to roll his eyes, pretending he didn't want Ashton here to talk to. "What are you doing here?"

"Just came to say hiii" He giggled, resting his head on the palm of his hand. "Such a cutie shouldn't be so alone."

Luke huffed, "I have friends, their just gone to sort something."

"I know, but for the mean time, I'm here." Ashton smiled, putting a foot over Lukes. "So tell me about yourself."

"A-about me?"

"No, Donald Trump." Ashton chuckled, rolling his eyes.

Luke stared at him blankly, "Why would you want me to talk about Don-"

"Oh my God just talk about yourself Luke."

Luke blushed. "Well, my names Luke, I'm 17 and I like to uh... read, and sing... and I like to go to the park at night caus- o-oh!"

Ashton smirked. He had been trailing his foot up Luke's leg, which Luke choose to ignore, until Ashton had slowly brushed his foot up Luke's thigh, and against his crotch. "Something wrong?"

Luke choked on his words, his face going red. "I'm f-fine..."

Ashton smirked and made sure the cloth of the table was completely covering the surface down before he pulled his foot away, and leaned forward, replacing it with his hand. Lukes eyes widened and let out a small moan.

"You're big Lukey..." Ashton hummed, palming Luke through his jeans softly. "Maybe some day I'll let you fuck me. I'll have to fuck you first so you know how to do it right. You'd like that wouldn't you? My body on top of yours, pounding into you and making you feel so, so good..."

Luke whimpered and stood up quickly, causing Ashton to frown. But it wasn't long until Luke was tugging on Ashton's hand desperately, letting small whimpers flow from his mouth. Ashton smirked standing up slowly but stopping when his hand was yanked and soon enough he was being led down the hall.

"What is it, babe?"

Luke desperately looked for somewhere to go and mumbled, "Kiss..."

Ashton grinned, now taking the lead as hr lead Luke over to the janitors closet. "You wanna make out, Lukey?" He asked, closing the door behind him and pressing Luke up against it.

Luke nodded eagerly, looking up at Ashton with lust.

"Tip." Ashton said, pecking Lukes lips before brushing against them teasinly. "The janitors closet is the best place to do anything like this, because its sound proof. You know, so the janitors work and drilling won't disturb the classes." Ashton grabbed Luke's thighs and lifted them up to wrap around him, pressing Luke firmly against the door to hold him up. "So be as loud as you want, kitten."

Luke quickly pressed his lips to Ashton's, not being able to wait much longer. He still wasn't experienced and has basically no clue what he was doing, but it felt good and Ashton had moaned so Luke prusumed he wasn't doing too bad.

After a few minutes of rough making out, Ashton slowly slipped his hand up Luke's shirt, his lips going onto Lukes neck. Luke didn't question him as he knew Ashton knew what he was doing, so he leant back as Ashton began to kiss down his neck softly, starting the suck on some spots.

"A-Ashton..." Luke moaned, tugging at his hair. Ashton licked up his neck, eventually finding his sweet spot and sucking there for a while.

When Ashton pulled away, Luke was desperately making grabby hands at him to bring his lips back. Ashton chuckled, "Class starts soon Luke, can't miss that "

For once Luke was mad at himself for being reasonable, and Ashton lifted him down to look in a mirror, pointing at his neck.

"See that? 'S called a hickey, makes people know you're not available." Ashton smirked, smacking Luke's bum cheekily before walking out of the room. Luke blushed, taking a minute or two to enjoy the feeling of Ashton's lips lingering on his.

He was getting more and more excited about this.

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