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As school ended, Luke felt himself getting more and more nervous. He shouldn't be, he shouldn't be nervous yet a little excited to see Ashton again. He was only there so tutor and to... well, learn.

Luke went to say goodbye to Calum and Michael, who were making out against a tree. Luke rolled his eyes when seeing them and decided to just talk to them tomorrow. He couldn't help but look at them for a minute, observing. He quickly blushed and shook his head to himself, grabbing his bag and scrambling away.

Luke looked around for Ashton instead, seeing him no where. He must have already gone home, so Luke decided to find his way to Baker Street. He left the school and walked around the town, pulling out the maps app on his phone.

He stopped outside a house a the end of the street, it was quite small and plain but at the same time kept clean and neat. Was this Ashtons house? He couldn't help peek through the window to see a neat sitting room with a pair or drums in the coner, an Iron Maiden poster above it.

Luke went to door a knocked three times quietly, stepping back and clutching a folder in his hands.

The door opened and Ashton stood there smirking. He was shirtless and his hair was a little messy as he ran his hand through it. "Hi princess."

Luke chose to ignore the name. "Aren't you cold?"

Ashton frowned. Luke basically got the witness his prominent abs but he didn't even care. That was definitely a first. "I.. What?"

"Aren't you cold? It's early spring and you're shirtless."

Ashton huffed and pulled Luke inside. "I'd keep your mouth shut princess, or I'll make you."

Luke nodded and kept his mouth shut, staring at the boy. "Anyway, should we start with the boring stuff?"

Luke scoffed, "It's not boring."

Ashton laughed and took his hand, dragging him up the stairs. Ashton had a small enough room, but it was cosy, and splattered with band posters and a small desk in the corner. He had sat down on the chair and smiled up at Luke who was standing above him.

Luke looked around for another chair, but there were not there. "Uh, where do I sit?"

Ashton smirked and pulled Luke down on his lap, placing a hand on his thigh. And on in the inside Luke's tummy fluttered and he hated that it did, because he was nothing special in Ashtons eyes. Just Luke, a kid Ashton has the chance to flirt with so why not?

Luke gulped and it took all his will power not to blush. He took a deep breath and opened his textbook, deciding not to move from Ashton's lap.

"So, uh, we'll be studying the rise of Hitler in Europe first.."

"Why do need to know that if we're from Australia?"

For once Luke didn't know. "Its on the curriculum so we learn it, I guess. We don't really get a choice."

Ashton nodded and wrapped his arms around Luke as Luke talked and explained some thing, but Ashton wasn't really listening. Ashton couldn't help but think that Luke was really cute, he loved the way he got excited when talking about history and loved explaining things, pointing at the page and swining his legs on Ashtons lap. Ashton smiled at him fondly, not bothering to listen to the words coming out of his mouth but to just listen to the sound of his voice.

"Are you listening Ashton?"

Ashton snapped his head up confused. "What? Of course I am..."

"Then how many pilots did I say died Fight For Air war?"

"Um, twenty one?"

Luke bit his lip and shook his head. "Ashton, if you want to go on that school tour, I'd suggest listening in."

Ashton scoffed. "Can we be in finished now? I want to do my tutoring too."

Luke nodded and closed the book, causing Ashton to smirk and excitetly hop up, bringing Luke up with him. He walked over to the bed and sat down, patting Luke to sit down next to him.

Luke nervously did so and watches Ashton, curious. "I-I'm nervous."

Ashton smiled at him fondly and brought a hand up to Ashton's cheek carefully. "Don't be, we're only going to kiss today, love. Have you ever kissed anyone before?"

Luke shook his head shyly and Ashton stared at him. He was 17 and he never kissed anyone? Asbton bit his lip and brushed his thumb across Luke's lip. "That's okay, I'll show you how."

Luke nodded and closed his eyes, causing Ashton to chuckle at how cute he looked. His softl face glowing and his hair a little messy, his eyelashes long and pretty. His lips were slightly puckered, which made Ashton gigglw becuase he definitely had no idea what he was doing.

He slowly cupped Luke's cheeks and pressed his lips against Luke's.

Luke froze. Was he supposed to kiss back? Move his lips? Ashton wasn't moving his lips yet. Where did his hands go? Did he cup Ashton's cheeks back? No, that'd be weird. Would it? Luke didn't know.

Luckily Ashton saw his hesitation and slowly started moved his lips. "Just do what I'm doing, move your lips slowly.."

Luke nodded and did so, his heart racing and his tummy fluttering. Before he never understood why people wanted to suck other peoples lips but now he realized how nice it felt and how much he loved the taste of it. Ashton moved his hands off his cheeks and brought them to Luke's hips, pulling him onto his lap. Luke straddled Ashton and neither of them broke the kiss, and Luke eventually decided to wrap his arms around Ashton's meck, because that's what they do in books and movies.

Ashton pulled him closer, resting his hands at Lukes bum and giving it a small squeeze. Luke gasped and Ashton chuckled, using the chance to slip his tongue into Luke's mouth.

Luke let Ashton's tongue roam his mouth as he stayed still enjoying the feeling. Eventually Ashton pulled off and Luke opening his eyes, letting out a quiet whimper.

Ashton laughed and pecked his lips again, then his cheek. "How was that princess?"

"I... wow..."

Ashton smiled smugly and Luke stood up, his cheeks tinted red. "We'll continue the next day babe, I'll show you a few more things, maybe put that pretty mouth to use, hm?"

Luke didn't understand but his words made Luke's cheek flushed and he grabbed his books quickly. "Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow?"

Ashton nodded and waved goodbye, not even trying to stop himself from checking out Luke's ass as he walked out. Ashton couldn't wait for the next day, and although Luke wouldn't admit it, he felt the same.

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