Her bright grin faltered at this question, dropping her eyes. Avoiding the question, she took hold on my hand and led me to the door. "Don't worry, the lights are off everywhere. Let's get you cleaned up."

Instead of pursuing the matter, I just shut my mouth and entered the bathroom. The door clicked shut, and I slid down the door, pressing my hands to my eyes. Alright. You can get to the shower. It's just--getting up and walking.

Slowly standing, I grab hold of the doorknob, and made my way to the shower. Eager as ever, I turn on the showers hot water, practically peel my clothes off and undo my hair from what little of the braid is left.

Thirty minutes later or so, I step out, finding a towel laid out for me and clothes on the toilet seat. A smile tugs at my lips at the cute arrangement of clothes, the smallest things on the top, the larger items on the bottom.

I get dressed in the outfit, noting how the shirt isn't my size, that's for sure. At least I don't have to wear my clothes. I open the door quietly, looking into the hallway.

The walls were a nice, light blue, pictures hanging on the walls. The white trim certainly made it feel even more friendly. Down the hall, it broke into a wooden-floored living room with white couches, and the other way just concealed more closed doors.

Clicking the door shut, I let out a puff of air, extremely thankful for the hospitality I was being given and the fact that my headache was finally subsiding.


I turn my head towards Quinn, giving her a small wave. "Quinn, hi,"

"How are you feeling?" she asked, looking over my shoulder at the doors. "Would you want to have some tea? Maybe sit out in the living room?" she asked me, but grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the living room anyways.

I was preparing to cover my eyes from the light, but to my surprise, it was dark outside. Just how long had I been out? I shuffled my way to sit on the white love seat, as Quinn scurried around the kitchen, starting to boil the water. "Hey, Quinn," I start, unsure of how to ask this without offending her.

"Yeah? Whatcha need?" she asked, giving me a bright smile.

"Where am I?"

She blinked once, twice, three times before turning back around and going silent again, muttering to herself. "In a house.."

I heaved a sigh and leaned back on the love seat, taking in the living room. Spotting a picture nearby the seat, I grab at it. It was a picture of Quinn when she was younger. Her brown hair was almost just as long, braces on her front teeth with glasses.  I set it back down, standing up to go confront her. "Quinn."


When she didn't answer, I sucked in a breath before continuing. "Quinn. You need to tell me where I am. Please. I need to get back to Killian and Talon and Dustin."

She turned around, looking at me guilty. "They're already here."

"Excuse me?"

"You're in my parents house. James and Jessica were their names. A few weeks ago I received word that they had been shot on their job by a madman who broke into the police station."

I dropped my eyes, stumbling backwards. Oh my god. Quinn was Quinn Halton? Why was her last name Eneni, then? "Shouldn't your last name be Halton, then?" I asked, focusing on the table I was gripping on to stay afloat.

"I changed it once I heard about it. I took my mother's maiden name."

"Q-Quinn..Please, I'm..I'm so sorry.." I whisper. I jerked away from her attempt to hug me, shaking my head. "It's all my fault.." I muttered, my hands slipping from the table.

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