Chapter 12: Mood Swing

Start from the beginning

"How much I love you." The words came out as a whisper. My hands move from her waist to her back, tracing down her spine.

She cups my cheeks and pulls my face closer, "I thought you'd never say that."

Fuck- wait- what the hell am I doing? I have to cut this moment off before someone gets in the room and sees us. I don't want to make another mistake and be another fuck up. Abbie deserves a guy who can give her his time, and that guy is not me, but Niall Horan.

With a bit of hesitation, I replied, " We're best friends. I always say that to you."

And yes, that did it. She took her arms back and pulled away, "Yes. Of course. Best friends. Forever. That's what we are. Yeay." She mumbled and turns her back on me.

You can call me dumb, a coward, a jerk or whatever, but I just don't know want to admit anything right now, considering the fact that everything's already right where they should be. But hey, if we're meant to be, maybe we will be...



"What took you so long to pick up?" Abbie yells on the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry! I was training how to change Lux's diaper!" I heard her laugh. "What is it now?" I asked.

I heard Niall speak but it wasn't too clear for me to understand. "Last night was the best night of my life! I wish you were there to celebrate with us." She said with a bit of excitement in her tone.

Well I wanted to celebrate the night with her too. Niall just pleaded us if they could rather spend it alone together. Fine, whatever.

"Are we talking about the teddy bear I bought?" I joked, my phone almost falling down since Lux wanted to play with it.

"Baby no. I'm talking to somebody." I warn this baby as if she could understand me.

Abbie chuckled hearing me baby talk, "No dumb ass! Anyway, where do you wanna go today?"

"Are we supposed to go somewhere? Aren't you going to spend some alone time with your boyfriend?"

"That was last night. This time it's all of us! Liam and Louis are getting ready now. Zayn's not picking up."

"He's probably- you know, having-"

"Oh God, no! Don't say that. Oh Gosh, not that topic!" She yells, probably disgusted. She could have acted normal if she has done it before. But she hasn't, and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"I was kidding, chill out!"


"Anyways, fine. I'll knock on their room instead." I tell her before ending the call.

I waited for Lou to finish doing my hair since I didn't want to look messy in Paris. I changed my clothes to a more casual one- red plaided top and jeans.

Knock knock.

The door opened and I saw Perrie- shit hot Perrie- in Zayn's shirt. I knew it!

"Harry?" She asked, startled. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh hey! Sorry to disturb you. Uhh-" I shook my head, trying to remove my attention on her white, smooth, long legs. "We're going out today. Everyone is almost ready. So-"

"We'll be meeting you in the lobby." She turned around, looking back to the bedroom where Zayn just let out a long deep moan, stretching out his arms.

"Mate! We're waiting! We're touring the city in a while." I shouted from the living room.

Zayn walked his way to me with just a towel below his waist, his hair in a mess and his eyes still half-open, "Harry- oh we'll be ready in a while."

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