Chapter Ten - If We Make It Out Alive

Start from the beginning

I clench my teeth and push through the pain.  All at once it hinders me immobile.

"I-I can't Newt!"  I tell him.  "You need to get out of here!" I look up at him.

"To hell with that bloody idea!  You're coming with me, I'm not letting you die out here Thomas."  he extends his hand forward.

We lock hands and he groans as he works to pull me upright.  I try to hold in my cries in attempt to not notify the grievers where we were, but the pain is to immense. 

"Newt I can't walk, never mind run.  It's no use!  Leave me." I look him in the eye.

"If you're not going to walk, you're getting carried." he puts his body under my arm and leans my body over his.

"You can't go all the way with me like this!  Not with your leg!" I complain, scared that Newt will die all because of me.

"I can and I will!  Now slim it Thomas!" he snaps at me. 

I refrain from struggling anymore, I figure it's no help to my situation to argue out in plain sight.  Newt drags me along through different corridors, trying to avoid the terrible creatures that lurk inside these walls.  Just when we think we can catch a break, that same blood curdling sound echoes through the hallway we're in. 

"Newt!"  I exclaim seeing a slowly closing maze wall and point.  "If we hurry we can go through there and escape from this griever." I suggest and try to edge towards it.

Newt forcefully pulls me back and our faces end up barely five inches apart.  With the utter most serious expression on his face he tells me, "That is not an option, we hide."

"But, wait --"

Before I could even finish my sentence he grabs my waist and pulls me back toward the ivy.  He sits me down and pulls a bit of vines free from the wall. 

"Here, cover your entire body in these then lie completely still.  Have you got it?" he crouches down and whispers, while still on alert for any hideous beasts heading our way.  I nod. 

I struggle to lean my body flat against the wall but manage in the end.  I disperse the ivy to camouflage myself, Newt does the same on the wall right across from me.

Another beastly scream startles Newt and he jumps a bit.  "Shhh...  It's coming." I mouth and motion to the other end of the hall with my eyes.

And come it does.  Eight metallic looking, spider-like legs carry the body of the hairy, slimy, disgusting griever.  It creeps along, looking for prey as it lurks.  With each step it takes, a cringe-worthy clang is made, upping the tension ever so slightly. 

I see Newt moving a bit, I can tell he is scared out of his mind.  His eyes dart back and forth between my own and the gigantic monster.  Every moment or so I can hear his quick breathing, and see his body shake. 

I try to calm him down somehow without drawing attention to myself by using hand gestures.  It seems useless so I whisper across to him. 

"Newt it's okay, we're going to get out of here, I promise."  I console him, the quietest I possibly can. 

Within a near second the griever spins around, moving itself closer to my side. 

"Shit shit shit."  I think to myself. 

The ugly thing sticks it's razor sharp teeth filled face closer and closer to my wall's ivy.  I hold my breath and tense up as I can start to smell the putrid scent from the grievers mouth.  I shut my eyes and hope to god. 

If anything happens to me, please, just let Newt live. 

I'm going to die, this is it.  I wait for darkness to take over and for me to end up in some bright white room but it never happens.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small hard click, over to my right.  The griever instantly turns away to the source of the sound.  I loosen up a bit and see a small rock on the ground that wasn't there before.  I look at Newt, he nods. 

"Thank you." I mouth silently. 

We wait it out until the griever heads to another corridor.  Once we deemed it as safe, we came out of the ivy.  Newt comes over to me and pulls me up by his hand. 

"That was close." he nervously laughs softly, after I am standing. 

Without even thinking I throw my arms around him and embrace Newt in a tight hug. 

"Oh, hey, I'm glad you're alive too, Thomas."  Newt smiles and says in a bit of shock but wraps his arms around me as well. 

I pull back and realize I am smiling like an idiot.  Get it together Thomas, you're still in the maze, remember?  Impending death sound familiar to you?

"Uh, I think'd be best if we headed along." Newt scratches his arm awkwardly.

"Huh?" I mutter still in a haze.  "Oh, oh yeah, lead the way." I snap myself out of it.


Hey there :) So. I LOVE YOU GUYS! 1.1K reads already!!! That's honestly ridiculous ;D I love reading all your comments and feedback about this story, it's amazing how you're all loving it so far <3


(This chapter is dedicated to IshyFishy12355 because she is unbelievably amazing and nice and all of the above positive adjectives :)  She is a fantastic artist and has great taste in music too!  Please go check her profile out xx) 




"No one has ever survived a night in the maze." (Well suck it because Tommy and Newt just did, byeeeee)
~ Nicole <3

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