Chapter 4

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"Hey Ally, when we get home, can I take a nap?" I asked.

"Sure love, you should get some rest, it's going to be a long night on the road." he said.

"Yeah." I murmured in agreement.

"What did that girl say to you?" Phil quizzed.

"Ehh, she told me how much she liked my music and how it's helped her through a rough time. It meant a lot to me" a small smile appeared on my face. "Oh. Well, thats nice." he said.

"It's cool to know that I'm only 18, yet I have changed someone's life."

"I can't fucking believe you're 18, Carson." Alan chimed in disbelief.

"I haven't seen Shayley." I said to no one in particular.

"You will, tonight. He was doing some press" Austin answered. It lapsed into a comfortable silence.

I looked at my twitter, a new notification popped up, " @PTVMike: just bought @CDawn's new CD. can't wait to see her at Warped!" I squealed in excitement, it went unnoticed, the guys have begun fighting over who is better at beer pong. I rolled my eyes.

"I'M BETTER THAN ALL Y'ALL SO SHUT UP.'' I shouted. It got quiet again. We pulled up to the house. As we walked in the door, Austin started talking about Warped.

"We leave at 8 pm sharp in order to get to San Fransisco by 12am." he informed us. We nodded.

*time lapse for three hours*

"PLEASE MAKE DINNER TONIGHT.'' Alan begged, jumping up and down on the bed I was currently trying to rest on. I chuckled.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Macaroni and cheese pweaseeee." he pouted. I laughed again.

"Alright hun. " I patted his head. I walked into the kitchen. I pulled out the ingredients and all the guys came in and helped.

"Tino: start grating the cheese" I ordered them.

"Austin: boil the noodles"

"Phil: make sure Austin doesn't burn the noodles." I winked at Austin who was now covering his face with his hand to mask his giggles. (A/N if you haven't seen Austin do this in an interview, it is a must, he is so adorable)

"How do you burn noodles?" Tino asked in disbelief.

"It happened one time!" he said in exasperation, still giggling.

"You will never live that down." I laughed.

"I know." he grumbled playfully. I laughed again.

Later rather than sooner the dinner was being pulled out of the oven and everyone cheered. We sat in front of the telly and watched reruns of Full House while we ate.

"I'll be there, to carry you hoommeeeee" Alan sang the theme song quietly to himself, I snorted on my food and got up. I placed my empty plate in the dish washer and looked at the time, it was 7:30. Shit. The guys needed to get ready to leave. I told them the time and they all bolted upstairs to get their luggage. I changed my clothes. I piled my hair into a bun and winged out my eyeliner. I put on my black tank top and loose sweatpants. I made sure my bracelets were in check and I opened the door. They were just coming down with their bags. I grabbed mine and walked out the front door.

"Lego!" Tino shouted. The bus had just arrived. I called bottom bunk in the front, and Alan was above me. Tino and a crew member were in the bunks next to us, and Phil and Austin took the back bunk beds. I laid on my back and Facetimed my clostest friend, Elle. I haven't talked to her in ages. She answered on the second ring.

"Car?" her face lit up.

"Yeah. Yeah, thats me." I smiled.

"Where the hell have you been?" she cursed.

"I've been... busy." I trailed off.

"Well obviously, if you didn't have time to keep in touch with a wonderful friend like me." she said playfully. I rolled my eyes.

"Who are you talking to?" Austin peered into my bunk. "Oh hello." he waved at the screen.

"Oh just so you know, I've hidden Ice's around here, be careful." he whispered in my ear. I laughed out loud.

"Hun, that game ended in 2011." I informed him.

"Oh sh." He waved his hand in my face. I scrunched my nose. "I'll let you get back to doing whatever you were doing." he backed out of my bunk.

"Um, who was that?" Elle asked. I directed my attention back to the phone.

"That was Austin. He's the frontman for Of Mice and Men. The band I am touring with for Warped.

"Are you serious." I nodded my head. "You don't have your own bus?"

"Don't need one. It wasn't really necessary." I explained to her.

"You should have let me come." she pouted.

"Come see us in SF." I suggested.

"What time should I be there?" she asked excitedly.

"12pm is when the first set starts, but we get there later tonight so we can get good parking and just sleep at the venue." she nodded.

"I'm tired, I have to go." she yawned.

"Alright hun, just call me when you get to the venue." I hung up, excited. I got up and sat on the couch in the back room next to Alan. I put on my headphones and listened to my favourite album, Ride the Lightning by Metallica. I started to drift off to sleep when the bus slowed down and came to a stop. I froze as multiple horror movie scenarios popped into my head. I gently turned my head, and saw that Alan was no longer next to me. The bus doors opened, my heart raced. I leaned to the side and peeked through the door. I saw a young man with shaggy hair bro hugging Austin.

"Carson! Come out here!" Austin shouted. I got up, revealing myself from the back room.

"Shay!" I squealed.

A Little Tale of Self Destruction {Band Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now