"I was l-looking for you-" Chord felt her eyes on him and his face burned. "Not that I m-meant anything by it, but. . . I just. . . I hadn't seen you since the other day and thought I scared you off and . . ." Why are you rambling you dumbass? It's just a girl. It isn't like she's your girlfriend. "I wanted to a-apologize."

She tilted her head to the side. "For what?"

"F-For what I said the other day. I wasn't exactly n-nice to you and you-" Chord sighed. "I'm not very good with. . ."

"Talking to people?" she offered.

"Pretty much. Or w-when it comes to making . . ."

"Friends?" Her lips curled up in a smile.

"This isn't funny. Stop laughing." He covered his face with his hands.

Scarlett apologized profusely, biting on her bottom lip to keep from smiling more. "Sorry, sorry. I'm not laughing at you," she clarified. "And honestly, you're good. I actually wasn't hurt by what you said."

Chord's eyes widened. "You weren't?"

She shook her head. "No, I did kind of make you uncomfortable after all. Looking back, I did come on a bit too forward and friendly. If our roles were reversed, I'd have done the same. I tend to be overly gregarious when I'm nervous. So if anyone should apologize, it is me." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "I just thought it'd be cool to make a friend here who isn't bigoted, spoiled, an asshole, or a combination of the three."

"And you thought I was none of those?"

"No," she answered, "I know you're not." Chord gave her a look of confusion and as she smiled, he felt his chest tighten at seeing it. "When we first met, I could see it in your eyes. You looked pretty lonely. I know what that's like."

Do you though?

"Have you eaten yet?"

He shook his head and she seemed quite happy about it. "Great, I'm going to go check these out right quick." She knelt and grabbed her bag that was still hidden in the spot she had been sleeping in, hooking it over her shoulder. "I'll be back in a flash."

As he watched her sprint off, her red hair bouncing, Chord felt the fluttering in his chest reside as he sat down.

Yet again, she didn't seem to have an issue with me. Was it my imagination or was she happy to see me?


By the time lunch was over, it seemed like time had gone by in the blink of an eye. Though he didn't talk much unless she asked him something, Scarlett didn't seem to mind doing most of the talking. Scarlett just seemed to thrive on it. Talking with her hands and seeing her eyes lit up as she spoke was like seeing someone perform on stage. He just watched her and was marveled at it.

I'm pathetic. Truly pathetic.

When she asked for his number, he rattled off the numbers without a second thought.

"There, now we can talk even when we're not at school." She beamed happily, tucking her phone back into her bag. "And I finally know your name. Chord." The way she said his name, it sounded different than when everyone else did. "I like it. Like a musical or a song."

He laughed timidly. "Thanks. If you don't mind me asking, are you sure you don't have better things to do? I'm not exactly. . . talkative."

He jumped when she punched him lightly in the arm as they stepped out of the library. "Stop that." Scarlett huffed. "You are not allowed to debase yourself, Chord. There is nothing wrong with being shy. I mean, I talk enough for you and me combined, so I can fill in the silence. Do you think there's a problem with that?"

"Of course not!" he replied, quickly fumbling to recover from his outburst. "Just m-most people prefer more s-socially inclined people is all."

"Well, one thing you should remember about me. I am weird and my tastes aren't like everybody else. Your shyness is part of your charm. I find it cute honestly."

Wait, what? Chord nearly choked on the words he tried to get out, clumsy as hell. Did she just call him cute? No, she didn't. That's impossible. Oh god, my face is burning, isn't it?

If she noticed how her words affected him, she didn't bring it up as her eyes swept over the crowded halls. "Ah, shoot. I need to get to A hall and the current is against me. I gotta go. It was great talking with you, Chord. I'll text you later and we can maybe do something, okay?" As she headed towards the crowd of students migrating, she gave him a wave and one final, warm smile before she was swallowed up; Chord stood there even after she was gone, his hand still raised from waving bye.

Talking with her hadn't been as bad as he initially thought. She was friendly, warm, and there was just an aura about her that helped settle his anxiety when he usually had to talk to other people.

Is this what it was like when you made a friend? You didn't have to worry about anything? You just had to enjoy someone else's company?

Chord gave a small smile and turned on his heels to merge with the crowd to go to math.

Except, before him stood Xander Payne and two of his friends and none of them looked happy and the feeling of enjoyment evaporated as the sense of dread replaced it.

His smile resembled that of a serpent in a way. Conniving, deadly.

"Hello, Chord. What do you say we have a little chat, huh?"

Perfect | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now