beth and hannah headcannons

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beth is constantly in a bad mood. is she tired? is this just how she is? probably both tbh

beth isnt very good at video games but that doesn't mean that she doesnt play them and that doesnt mean she wont scream obscenities to the high heavens if she loses said video game

beth wears the term "lipstick les" proudly and changed her contact name in sam's phone to it

while her hat collection obviously cant beat ashley's, she still has a fair amount of beanies which hannah, josh, and sam steal on a regular basis but she doesn't really care

loves horror movies with a burning passion and will provide sarcastic running commentary if shes seen the movie before much to the chagrin of anyone else watching it with her
her last thoughts before dying were probably "THIS MIGHT AS WELL HAPPEN I GUESS"


has actually been friends with mike for a long time and only started having feelings for him recently. when he started going out with emily she was heartbroken

is that person that buys valentines day chocolate the day after when its on sale because fuck it, she loves chocolate

although she initially got her tattoo to impress mike, she very quickly decided she loved having art on her body and was planning and saving up for a bigger design to put somewhere else

hannah cant cook much besides cake and cookies but the cakes and cookies she makes are fucking delicious

she loves musical theatre and the majority of her playlist is soundtracks from musicals. she saw Into The Woods at the cinema like, 10 times


they love pulling the "creepy twin" routine where they stare at people, smile creepily, and say things in complete sync. no ones quite sure how they know exactly what the others going to say but they're too scared to question it

the first time they were separated was when they were kids and the teacher of their class put them on separate sides of the room to stop them talking but hannah ended up crying because beth wasnt near her and they had to be put back together

hannah will tell beth what she was doing 5 minutes ago by saying "WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE..."

they have a secret handshake

"what did one twin say to the other?"
"... what did they say, hannah?"
"leave me a little womb, will ya?"
"shut the fuck up, hannah"

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