Chapter Twenty-Five: The Not So Big Day

Start from the beginning

She walked me to two large doors. Hushed voices could be heard through the wall. I gulped as the doors slowly opened. I liked an arm through my mothers outstretched one.

Walking in I looked forwards. I made no eye contact with anyone, not even Damion who was standing at the end of the carpet, begging for my attention like a dog begs for a treat.

Nearing the end I chewed the inside of my mouth. My eyes met Damion's hungry ones. I quickly looked away.

We reached the end and my mother place my hand into Damion's. My heartbeat quickened. I didn't want to do this, but all that I've ever wanted it gone.

A single tear stained my face. There was nothing that I could do.

And then the doors swing open.


I woke up to the sound of metal on metal. I cringed at the sound and opened my eyes only to see Hook at the doorway and several pirates at my chains.

I let out a sigh as I was able to stand up and stretch out my legs. They dragged me out of the room and through the halls, up the stairs, and into the upper deck. The sun stung my eyes instantly.

"Get him off my ship and up to the balcony." Hook spat eagerly.

With my magical bounds still intact with my wrist I wouldn't be able to move, so the pirates threw me off the ship onto the dock. A groan of pain escaped my lips. I tasted blood in my mouth.

I tilted my head and saw the Regina's castle. I fought the binds, but again no use. I felt hands grasp my arms tightly, and lift me off the ground. I felt dizzy as they dragged me down the pathway into the entrance of the castle. Guests were already arriving and when they saw me they stood in shock and terror.

I spotted Regina entering the main hall. She smiled and walked my way.

"Ah Peter! So glad you could make it!" She laughed.

"Where is she." I yelled  struggling to escape the pirates firm grips on my arms.

"Getting ready for her wedding of course." She mocked.

"She will never love him like she loves me!" I spat.

"She didn't when she thought you were alive." Regina replied.

Max thought I was dead? My face fell. I used all my strength to break the magical binds.

"I'll show you where to put him." She smirked.

She led us though the hall and past many gapping guests. Murmurs of hushed voices could be heard from anywhere until we arrived at a large stair case.

"Up the stairs and to the right you'll find a seat. Put him there, and he won't be able to get out of it." The Queen ordered.

The pirates followed her orders and dragged me up the stairs. It took forever but I was up the stairs and being forced to sit down. I stood up playing with my hands when I saw a little spark. I smiled. My magic is coming back, but why? Max is close.

I decided to levitate my body just inches above the seat so that it would look as if I were sitting. Then I carefully forced the binds off with the magic that had returned to me. Now I sat levitated, with open binds, and waiting for Max to walk in through those doors.

For what is seemed like hours had passed Hook arrived at my side.

"Enjoying the view mate?" He asked.

"You have no idea."

Then, the doors opened. Max walked out with her mother. I gapped at how beautiful she looked, but I had to move quickly. I stood up.

"What-" Hook began but I ran before I could hear the rest of his yell.

I tired to teleport but my magic isn't as strong as u would've liked it to be, so I had to run. I dashed past the guards throwing a spell here or there to keep them occupied. Finally I reached the doors with guards surrounding me. I swung them open.

"Max!" I yelled.

Her head spin in my direction.


She picked up the front of her dress and ran towards me. I met her in the middle of the room where we were surrounded be astonished faces.

I took her into my arms and kissed her. Max, breaking the long and passionate kiss, looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"What took you so long?"


Hello people! So I decided I will do a weekly update. So from now on I will update every Saturday! So I hope you guys enjoyed the update and don't worry this is not the end! Pan and Max still have a long way to go! So I hope you enjoyed and please vote, comment, and if you want please follow me!! BYE!!!!!

The Same Two Kinds (Peter Pan OUAT Fanfiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now