Chapter 4

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"Bye guys!" Me and Erin yelled in unison as we walked out the front door. As we got into the car I debated texting Harry right away. So I asked Erin. "No!" She yelled, making me jump. "Jeez you didn't have to yell.." I said quietly. "Yes, I did! You can't text him this early! It will make you look desperate! Wait a few days, or even a week, so when you text him and he says something like, 'why didn't you text me earlier!' You'll know he wants you." She said. "Good idea.. But what if I can't wait that long! " I huffed. "You'll have too. Besides, you're still moving on from Ashton.." She said. "Don't even mention his name, Erin! He's been stalking me ever since I broke up with him! He's crazy!" I yelled. "Sh! The cab driver doesn't need to know ALL about our lives!" She whisper yelled. "Erin, what if he finds out about me and Harry, if there even IS something... He'll hurt me again.." I sighed. Okay, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about so let me fill you in, a couple of months ago I was dating this total douche bag. His name was Ashton and I don't even know why I said yes because all he did was yell and he even hit me, I still have the marks. The only person I've ever told was Erin. I haven't even told my parents! The point is, Ashton is crazy and he'll do anything to get back at me for breaking up with me. He hates me now. So, if he finds out about me and Harry, he'll try to hurt him. Or me. Or both of us, and I can't let that happen..

*20 minutes later*

I wake up startled by someone shaking me out of my sleep. "God Erin, you could have just said wake up.." I snap. "Sorry grumpy. We're at the hotel and your mom wanted you to call her when you got here." Erin said loudly. "I'm almost eighteen, I don't know why she just can't back off.." I said meanly. "She's just looking out for you, you should be thankful you have a mom who does." Erin said, with a coldness in her voice. "You're right Erin. I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm always right." She said grimly. "Ha. Ha. Lets just get our bags and go back up to the hotel room, I'm super tired." I said, yawning. "Yeah, you go up, I'll be there in a minute, I just wanna text Niall back real quick." She said. "What happened to playing hard to get?!" I yelled, fully awake now. "He texted me first! If I didn't text him back, he might think I don't want to talk to him!" She said defensively. "Yeah, whatever. Take your own advice!" I said, walking out of the cab and up to the room. As I opened the door I flopped on the bed in exhaustion as I thought about the day. Today was amazing. I mean I scored Harry Styles number! That's something that doesn't happen everyday to girls like me! Then I start jumping around the room and I turn the radio on to hear "Kiss You" start playing. "Oh this is my jam." I scream. "Nice moves!" Erin yells as she walks in laughing her head off. "Erin!" I blush in embarrassment. "I didn't even hear you come in! Ever heard of knocking?" I say. "I have a key." She said laughing. "Whatever. I was happy, okay. Don't judge me." I say also laughing. "I won't, I'm happy too." She said smiling. "Alright, I'm exhausted, lets go to bed." I say getting over my laugh attack. "Good idea, night Trista!" Erin yells going into the bathroom. "Night Er! See you in the morning!" I say jumping into my pajamas then in the bed. "Today, was a good day." I say to myself quietly. *RING RING RING* "Dammit." I say reaching over to grab my phone. "Hey honey." The other line says. "What do you want Ashton? I was trying to sleep." I snap. "Don't talk to me like that bitch." He says sharply. I hate to admit this to anyone, but I've always been scared of him. "Don't call me a bitch, Ashton. And stop calling me. I'm sick of your bullshit." I say coldly then hang up the phone. "You alright, Trist?" I hear Erin whisper from the other hotel bed. "Yeah I'm fine." I sigh. "Don't let him get to you, don't answer the phone next time, okay! You're going to be alright!" Erin says reassuringly. "Thanks Erin, I hope you're right.."

A/N: HEEEEY. I know I just posted the last chapter yesterdaylta, but since I haven't posted before that for like a month I thought I'd make the next one quick. This one wasn't very exciting. Sorry. But Ashton is a jerk, isn't he? I hope Trista can move on.. HAHAHAHAHAH. It's funny because I already know what happens! Lololo. Love you all.xxxx

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