A Broken Promise

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Naru's POV
Rinne has been working hard all weekend even after school. But she always seems to have a smile on her face with everything she does. I think the plan Ann and I planned had worked. We knew Kazuki would be the perfect person to solve the problem so we asked him to come over to Prism Stone and have a talk with Rinne when we all went into the room. It worked! They even did a Prism Show together. Ever since that day Rinne never stopped smiling. On the other hand, Ann and Wakana didn't seem ok at all. They kept staring into space with a small frown on their face. When Rinne asked them if they were ok their smiles came back but when she left they watched her looking really sad.

"Are you going to Prism Stone today?" I asked Rinne.

"Why not? I've got nothing else to do at home", she answered.

"About the Prism Show I asked you to do, are you still angry at me for that?" I hoped she would say no.

"Apology accepted", she smiled.

"Thank you Rinne!" I smiled hugging her,"so did Kazuki help you?" I then asked.

"What do you mean?" Rinne asked me.

"What he told you when we all went inside", I explained.

"How could he?" I heard her mumble.


"I told him to keep that conversation a secret", Rinne explained to me.


Rinne's POV


("You're gonna be friends with them again, right?" Kazuki asked me.

"For sure", I smiled,"one thing, promise me you won't mention our conversation to them", I lifted out my pinkie.

"Promise", he shook it.)

"He did?" Naru asked me.

"Who cares now that he broke it!" I ran out of the room.

Kazuki's POV

"That's great! Let's start again from the top", I clapped.


"Huh, Ann, Naru?" I saw them run towards me.

"We need your help!"

A few minutes later

"So that's what happened eh?" I sighed.

"Tell me Kazuki, did you actually promise to keep that conversation a secret", Ann begged me.

"I'm afraid so", I replied.

"Now what are we gonna do?" Naru cried,"I made her angry again!"

"It's my fault for not telling you guys about the promise. I'll go over to her house and apologise", I confessed.

"But", Ann looked down.

"Yeah?" I asked.


Rinne's POV

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, Kazuki!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked opening the door slightly,"leave me alone", I tried to close the door but then Kazuki-senpai blocked it by leaving his shoe there.

"Let me in!" He opened the door,"I need to explain something to you!"

"Fine, but my parents aren't gonna be happy", I let him in.

Pretty Rhythm~ Rinne ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now