Rant Chapter 1

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"Monroe your going to miss your flight get up" Bethanne shouts. I don't want to get up it like 10 am, and my flight is at 11:36 am.
I don't want to leave my friends for my 'family'. I just don't wanna.

My eyes finally flick open to a bright light beating on me. "No, turn it off" I groan.
"Can't turn off the sun darlin' " Bethanne shouts. My gosh. I get up and lay back down. I can't do it. I shouldn't have partied last night. I feel a migraine going on. "Get up and get dressed so you can go" Bethanne shouts again.
"Why are you shouting, I'm right here" I question groggily.
"I'm not shouting I'm talking regularly" she says lightly.
"Oh" I say.
As I'm mid flight on the plane my phone vibrates. It's Xavier.
X-Bae : I didn't even say bye to you earlier babe
Me : it's ok my love wyd
X-Bae : nothing thinking about how much I love you
Me : And how much is that??
X-Bae : from the ground to where your plane is, and how much do you love me?
Me : from California to Ohio
X-Bae : yay, I love you my babe, gotta go to class now see ya when you get back lovely
Me : 😊 okay love you too sweets, bye
Read at 12:22pm
He doesn't have class right now. He's probably with Dani. They fuck behind my back, but it's in the open now, and I don't care. He knows I don't, but yet still hides it behind the shadows. I get another text. It's probably Xavier. I look at my screen and it's not him, but Zack. My step-brother. Great. Note sarcasm.
Why? : Your coming home today right?
Me : Yeah why
Why? : Just to clarify that I have to clean up your room
Me : well get to cleaning I'll be there at 2 probably
Why? : okay and we're going out tonight
Me : why?
Why? : because i want to show you around the new places here
Me : okay bye
Why? : Bye

I turn off my phone completely, so no more interruptions from people. I'm trying to get this headache to go away. I threw up before I left the dorms and popped two aspirin into my system to get rid of the sickness. My eyes are bloodshot. Everything was loud at first. Such brightness when the blind next to me is open. Why? I close my eyes to the soothing first class sounds, which are nothing because the people are asleep. I hear ya guys, naps all around.
After a few minutes of getting more drowsy I let the sleep take over.

After being woken up to put on my seatbelt the flight ends. I leave off of the plane and to get my luggage.
I make my way to the luggage belt thing. I see my bag and I reach for it, but someone beats me to it.
"Yo that's my bag" I say. I take off my shades and squint to see the Jeff man himself. I put my shades back on instantly. I hate him sometimes.
"Hey Kiddo" Jeff beams. Ha fake ass.
"Hey Jeff, you came to get me" I say.
"Yep lets go your mom is waiting for you" he says walking away pulling my suitcase along. My suitcase was pretty big to carry. Good thing it has wheels and a handle. I catch up to him and we go home.

"So how's school" he asks.
"Great, this quarter is over already, oh and did you get my report card I haven't seen my grades" I say.
He nods "yeah it's really good too, eight classes and all A's in each".
"Nice, so Jeff how are things at the stocks building" I ask.
"Let's just say expect Christmas to be grand this year" I laugh.
"I guess I will expect it then" I joke.
"You know what Monroe?"
"You have to bond more with Zack"
"Do I have to I mean he's annoying and childish and vain"
"I know, but since you've left he's not been all those things, and now that you're back for a bit I want to know if that side comes out again"
"I guess so, since he's changed," I thought for a bit and added ", does he still play hockey".
"Did you change yourself"
"From two years back, yeah"
"Then yes, he still plays hockey" he laughed. That wasn't funny, why did he laugh?

"Monroe? Honey it is you. Oh my lord. I can't believe it's really you. I haven't seen you in so long. How are you and that Xavier boy working out? Oh forget him, my baby is home," she bombards me with a tight hug ", I've missed you so much, and look at you. You've slimmed down. Got a nice butt, bigger breasts, flat stomach, thighs, oh honey your thighs and legs are killer" she says smacking my booty. I smile at her. That's all I can do really. I'm not that sentimental with people. "Thanks momma" I say and walk inside the house.

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