Halloween special

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James ran around the corner and jumped into a broom closet as quickly as he could. He heard Lily stomp past him and slowly opened the door.

Lily was trying to stop the annual marauders Halloween party, and he couldn't let that happen. This was the only one his son would ever attend and he needed to make it perfect.

James raced back down the hall and to the room of requirement. He had a lot of work to do.


Padfoot pulled on his costume, an all black suit and a pumpkin head. He was going to be part of the elite scaring force.

Sirius had to transform and mess up his fur, drink coffee for a little rabid look, and patrol around the party.

Harry was wearing dress robes just like his father's. They even used a spell to make him a few inches taller. He was the duplicate.

Remus was dressed exactly like a professor and had spread rumors about a ghost teacher being killed and wanting revenge.

Moony was a zombie, ready to frighten once the plan started.


The room had red walls and black floors. The only lighting came from the jack o' lanterns. Wizards and witches in masks, dress robes, or costumes danced all around.

The lanterns all went out in a flash and the crowd gave a collective gasp of surprise, only to laugh when Harry (dressed as James) appeared in front of them all.

"Hello, friends! It's been yet another year and another Halloween has come! This is my last celebration here, so let's get the mood right. How about a few stories?"

Cheers erupted from the crowd and Harry stepped down off his make shift platform (table).

"Now, I wish to add another element to the story. How's about we make the stories come to life!" As soon as Harry shouted that, all the lights went out and a silvery mist appeared.

Lily then read the first story.

"Once upon a time, a girl named Alexis lived in a small village. She was a happy, innocent, little girl, who loved flowers. Everyday, she would go to the town garden and grow flowers, and everyday a boy named Xaivor would watch her and wish to talk, but alas, he was a lowly slave and she was ranks above him.

"Time passed as it always does, and Alexis grew into a beautiful and kind woman. Xavior admired her more and more. Sadly, his owner also loved the girl and forbid him to see her. That set him off. He talked to Alexis each and every day at the garden. Once, his owner saw him, and he was killed the next day. Alexis heard and was devastated. She wanted revenge.

"The man was killed and she ran away. Alexis killed every male she ever came across and defaced all beautiful woman she saw, as to protect them from her fate. Over 1000 people died at her hands. She was only caught in death. Her body was found, her arm in one hand, knife in the other. The only thing was, her arm had a name carved into it. ALEXANDER"

People gasped and clapped at the killer tale. The process was repeated many times, all mist disappeared a hour later, when all stories were done. All light was gone. Then a single match it in the center of the room. A girl with hair going every which way and blood stains was visible.

All over the room the characters from the stories appeared. All holding matches. Screams broke out as the characters chased the party goers all over the room. All doors were locked.

After the pranks completion, the lights came on and the two James's stood in the middle of the room.

They explained the prank and were mobbed. All in all, a normal, successful Halloween!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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