Chapter 5

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"...And that's what happened" Nate finished

"Wait a sec. Nate, how are you still alive if your a risen now?" Levi asked

" Remy said I'm a 'Risen-in-traning'" Nate replied " He said we should meet him for training. He said you should join him."

They soon were on the way to the training grounds. When they arrived remy tossed Nate a wooden sword.

"Hit me." Remy said

Nate shrugged and charged at him. Remy stepped forwards and ,lightning fast, flipped Nate onto his back. Nate groaned and Levi helped him up.

"Now, we start." Remy said

Over the course of the weeks remy taught them the ins and outs of combat. During the day they trained, at night they stargazed and remy told them stories of his adventures.

" this is damascus steel." He said " It's special because it's been blessed, it can hurt the fallen. Keep a blade neayou at all times."

He taught them much. He taught Nate how to use the long scythe. He taught Levi how to use the short sword. And he taught Catherine how to use the dual knifes. Finally, after a many weeks of training, remy gathered his students up.

" Now, your final challange will be hard." He said " we are going to find the mythical sword excalibur. Are you ready?"

Nate looked at him.


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