Chapter 4

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The next day was a Saturday so, Nate simply jumped out of bed to go find out what happened to him yesterday. He walked down to the old country library. It was a ornate place, with large windows and a civil war hero statue out in front. He pushed open the doors and wallked over to the stranger who was sitting at a table. Nate sat down in front of him.

"Thank you for coming."  He said  "First off, my name is remy renolds." 

" Nate Mayers." Nate said shaking his hand " What happened yesterday?" 

"I'd suppose you'd like to know." Remy said sighing " long ago when the earth was new, a new species appered. Humans. Now, when a human dies it's soul passed on until, under the influence of a ancient evil, humans discovered murder. Ever since then when a murder dies it's soul becomes corrupted, and demonic. These are the fallen. These fallen ran rampent killing and destroying the living, until we discovered that  when ever a pure heared man dies they become the defenders of humanity. These are called the risen. These two groups have been locked in a eternal war. One I,you and your friends are now part of. What you saw yesterday was a fell hole. A portal into the fell world, we've been monitoring these in case something like this happens." 

"'We?'" Nate asked "does that mean...."

"Yes, Nate." He replied " I am a risen. And now you are one too."

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